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I Walked Out of Sickness Tribulation in Six Weeks

Aug. 30, 2023 |   By Jinglian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I experienced serious sickness karma in the second half of 2016, which lasted for six weeks. My throat, stomach, and intestines were as hard as stone, and I had terrible stomach pain. After eating breakfast, I would vomit; after lunch, I would vomit; and I would vomit after eating dinner at night. I was not able to defecate for six weeks. My face was yellow and black. I lost more than six kilograms (about 13 pounds).

Master said:

“If you want to improve yourself, you should search your inner self and work hard on your heart ...” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun)

I kept looking inward, and when I found my attachments, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate them. My stomach would then loosen up a little. When I decided to go out to put up truth clarification posters, my digestive system returned to normal, my weight went back up, and the seemingly life-threatening sickness karma disappeared. Thank you, Master, for your compassionate salvation!

The following are the details of what happened during the process.

For the first two or three days, my stomach was swollen and painful, and I vomited frequently. On the third day, I did not want to eat or drink, and by that time all I vomited was black water that was smelly and hot. My whole esophagus and throat were corroded by that sour-tasting stench, which was very painful. It hurt even when I drank water. I lost the desire to eat and drink. My daughter said: “Mom, you have to eat! If you don’t, you will starve to death.”

I thought: If I eat and drink, I vomit, which is not a good feeling. If I don’t eat or drink, isn’t it because I am afraid of vomiting? Afraid of suffering? How can a practitioner seek comfort and be afraid of suffering pain? I must eat and drink.

I had three meals a day from then on and had cycles of eating and vomiting. I would not let the old forces starve me to death. Strangely enough, after vomiting for three days, my throat and esophagus did not hurt anymore, and I realized that I was not afraid of the pain. Wherever it hurt, I would recite “Eliminate” to the pain.

I teach classes at school from Monday to Friday and help out at my daughter’s training class on Saturdays. I also took care of my husband. I was so busy every day that I had no time to spare. I got up early in the morning and stayed up late at night to find time to study the Fa and do the exercises. I slept for only four hours a night. I am a Dafa practitioner with an indestructible body, so I didn’t take the sickness karma seriously. I just did what I was supposed to do every day.

When I was in class, my stomach would hurt around midday, so much so that I went to the trash can in the back of the classroom and almost threw up. But I couldn’t let my students and coworkers see that I was “sick”, otherwise how could I validate Dafa? I begged Master in my heart: “Master, I don’t want to throw up in public. I can’t discredit Dafa.” I didn’t throw up, but as soon as I got home, the first thing I did was go to the bathroom and vomit.

A week went by, and then another week. I strengthened my Fa-study, memorizing the Fa and sending forth righteous thoughts, but the tribulation was still there. My daughter was agitated and told my mother, also a Dafa practitioner. My mother helped me send righteous thoughts every day, but she was worried about me because I hadn’t taken in anything for a long time, and when she touched the areas around my stomach and intestines they were rock hard. She called me every day and asked if I vomited or had a bowel movement that day. She wanted me to go to the hospital for an examination but said no to me taking medicines or injections.

I did not let my daughter see me vomiting, or she would insist that I go to the hospital. I was even more afraid to say anything to other practitioners because since helping my daughter’s class on Saturdays, other practitioners kept reminding and advising me not to go there, as it would leave me less time to clarify the truth. What the other practitioners said was right, but what else could I do?

Before my daughter’s college entrance examination, I was arrested and persecuted in a brainwashing class, and my husband had to undergo open-skull surgery, which left him mentally retarded. My daughter, who had excellent grades, had no motivation to study and didn’t perform well in the college entrance exam, so she did not get into her desired college. When she was finally in college, her personal records (that include detailed information of all family members and are updated frequently by local officials, to track people’s personal history) were tampered with by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials, and led her to be harassed by the room teacher and student counselor. She was forced to drop out of school. She studied on her own and helped teach a few students to earn a living. She was serious about her work. It was hard to find a good teacher to assist her, so I had to help her.

I suffered physically day after day. When I was offering incense to Master, I could not suppress my thought karma: I have problems with my stomach, is it full of tumors? My father suffered from stomach ulcers for many years, and I wondered if the karma was from my ancestors. Looking up at Master’s compassionate image, I felt ashamed: Master, you purified my body a long time ago, how could I get tumors?

During Fa-rectification, karma elimination would not affect normal work, so why was it interfering with me? I found a lot of my problems, such as: studying the Fa were not with my heart; Fa-study became a formality when I was busy and became less frequent along with doing the exercises. I was doing too many ordinary things, barely going out to clarify the truth and help people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. While looking inward to find my problems, I sent forth righteous thoughts daily. I was determined to believe in Master. I had omissions that were exploited by the old forces, but I have Master’s protection, and they can’t hurt me at all.

I continued to look inward at my thoughts that did not conform to Dafa. During that time, my daughter moved to a new store and was cheated by the moving company. She overpaid them, but I was not moved. In the cold wind and rain, I helped her move things. Because my body hadn’t taken in any food and water for days, I felt weak and moved slowly. My daughter yelled at me, but I wasn’t moved. In my work and life, I tried to act according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. While I endured the severe pain, I didn’t miss a bit of my work. I did the chores and took care of my husband’s meals. I noticed that every Saturday, the sickness karma manifested itself more strongly, with stomach pain and vomiting.

Finally, after six weeks, I found a big loophole—I was seeking fame. I had encouraged my daughter, and worked with her to organize and coach a group of students to participate in a science fiction drawing competition! In order to expand my daughter’s influence and help her recruit more students, I put her name on the training courses I assisted, and I also wrote her training class as my employer. What a big loophole it was. I was seeking fame and fortune, wasn’t I? I was even afraid that the practitioners would make comments and point this out to me.

Besides, wasn’t it harmful to let students draw science fiction pictures, what was I doing? Science was not for humans. I broke out in a cold sweat. What a wrong thing I had done! The education system had been pushing for science fiction contests. Wasn’t I aiding and abetting the CCP? If I don’t listen to my Master, should I listen to the Party? Is this a trivial matter? I was shocked and awakened from a dream, regretting my poor enlightenment.

Weren’t science fiction drawings full of alien beings? They were the ones who exploited my attachments, resulting in a serious state of sickness karma in my body.

I sent forth righteous thoughts, cleansed myself, and eliminated attachments to fame and fortune. I erected one palm vertically and silently recited the Fa-rectification verses to completely disintegrate the evil spirits and chaotic ghosts that were persecuting me, and asked for Master’s blessing! The vomiting stopped that day.

It had been a long time since I had gone out to clarify the truth and help Master to save people. Master had given me a good body, not so that I could seek wealth and fame, but so that I could save people and return home with Master.

I bought a telescopic pole for posting truth clarifying stickers. After I paid for it, I finally had a bowel movement. Compassionate and great Master saw that I had the heart to save people, and instantly took away the sickness karma and the life-threatening illness disappeared.

Please correct me if there is anything inappropriate with my sharing.