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The Police and Neighborhood Committee No Longer Ask Me to Sign Their Documents

Aug. 27, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) recently began its “Zero-Out” campaign again in our city. Some Falun Dafa practitioners with righteous thoughts and actions refused to comply with their demands, while others were forced to sign documents renouncing the practice. I was also harassed.

The Party secretary of the neighborhood committee called my husband and told him to go to their office for a meeting. I was not aware of this since I was asleep at the time.

My husband was not at home when I woke up. I thought he had gone on an errand. He came home looking angry a few minutes later; the Party secretary was behind him. I asked my husband what had happened. He said he was mad. The Party secretary said, “Because you practice Falun Dafa, a few people from the police department and the neighborhood committee came. They said you were previously detained and now they want you to sign their documents so they can remove you from the blacklist.

I was confused. The Party secretary continued, “I didn’t know you practiced Falun Dafa. For the benefit of our offspring, why don’t you sign and get it over with? Then everything will be fine, and you can continue your practice. If you refuse, they’ll come back again, and it will impact us all.”

I thanked him and told him that I knew what to do. I then announced, “Why don’t I go with you to the neighborhood committee office!” My husband cautioned me not to get angry. I told him not to worry. My mind was calm, and I asked Master Li to support me and give me wisdom.

There were three males and one female in the office when we got there. One of them picked up a camera wanting to take my picture. I told him not to, and he complied. My husband then arrived.

The man who wanted to take my picture was a police officer. He said that the government had categorized Falun Dafa as a cult, and it sieged the government compound. I replied, “You need to say things based on facts. Please show us the relevant documents.” He said he did not bring them, and he’d show them to me another day.

I told him, “Dafa is the Buddha law, the law governing the universe. It teaches people to be good and follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. One should not fight back when being hit and not talk back when being scolded; one should think of others first when doing things and put others first; one should be selfless, and not fight for self-interest; and one should let go of desires for personal gain, look inward, and not blame others.

“Dafa has spread to over 100 countries and regions, but Jiang Zemin (the former CCP head) was jealous. He and the communist regime claimed they would eradicate Falun Dafa within three months. They are still trying over 20 years later.

“You are a government official who knows things. Don’t listen to the lies. The Press and Publication Bureau rescinded its ban on Dafa books. This means that telling people the facts and distributing fliers are all legal.”

One person then asked me about the April 25 appeal at Zhongnanhai, and I explained the facts about the peaceful appeal.

I also said, “I had illnesses all over my body before I started cultivation. Now I have none. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Master Li Hongzhi. You guys said that my name will be deleted from the police blacklist once I sign. Actually, I won’t do it.” I raised my hand and declared, “I will cultivate Dafa until the end!”

Two people from the neighborhood office then told me to go upstairs to talk further because the ground floor was too noisy. When we got upstairs, they said they had family members who practiced Falun Dafa but later gave it up. I felt sorry for them. They then showed me a document with a few rows of writing on it and asked me to take a look. I said I didn’t want to read it and wouldn’t sign it either. I asked them, “Are you forcing me to sign?”

“You do it voluntarily,” they replied. I said, “Then I won’t sign. It would harm you if I did.”

I told them that I needed to go home to cook. The neighborhood committee Party secretary agreed to let me go. My husband stood up and walked outside. The man from the police department said he wanted to visit my home. I replied, “Sure. I’ll make some nice food for you!” The Party secretary told me to be careful since it was raining outside. I thanked him and left with my husband.

All sentient beings are awakening! Their knowing sides are aware that Dafa is good. They’re arranging their own positions for a good future.