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Northern California: Fremont Indian Festival Organizers Value Falun Dafa Practitioners’ Participation

Aug. 24, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondent Wang Ying, Fremont, California, USA

(Minghui.org) The Indian community in Fremont, California, celebrated Indian Independence Day by hosting the Festival of the Globe India Day Parade. Organizers of the event thanked Falun Dafa practitioners for participating in the parade, saying, “We have become family and friends.”

Spectators welcome the Falun Dafa practitioners’ procession.

A reporter from a local media outlet interviews a Falun Dafa practitioner.

When practitioners’ procession passed by the organizers’ podium, the host remarked, “Falun Dafa practitioners are passing by right now. They follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and do five peaceful, slow exercise movements. Everyone can learn Falun Dafa. Most importantly, it is free of charge.”

Organizers: “The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are very powerful!”

Archana Vrini (left) and Bhatta Charya, organizers of the festival, said that they are very grateful for the practitioners’ participation.

Bhatta Charya, one of the festival organizers, said, “Falun Dafa practitioners are filled with vitality and their costumes are beautiful. I am happy that they are able to participate in the parade and celebrate with us. There is an Indian belief that we are all one family, we are all brothers and sisters. We feel close to the practitioners who participated in the parade. We have become family and friends. Thank you so much, Falun Dafa.”

Archana Vrini, another festival organizer, said, “Falun Dafa’s two teams are amazing. One group looked very peaceful and made people feel comfortable. The other group performed dances. It was great seeing them. They seemed to be part of our culture. Different cultures do not separate us, instead they bring us together. This is wonderful. Thank you so much, Falun Dafa.

“The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are very powerful! I see ‘Forbearance’ and peace in the eyes of the ladies who are participating in the parade. We feel proud that they were able to participate in the parade.”

Vrini also said, “We would like to thank practitioners on behalf of our Indian community. Thank you for coming to the parade. Thank you.”

Seurabh Singh, a computer engineer, gave practitioners a thumbs up.

Seurabh and his younger brother Rakesh Singh had their pictures taken with Falun Dafa practitioners.

Seurabh Singh and his younger brother Rakesh Singh gave practitioners a thumbs up and had their pictures taken with them.

They said that Falun Dafa’s principles are good. Both of them are computer engineers and said that they are under a lot of work pressure. They said they would try Falun Dafa to alleviate their stress. “Falun Dafa’s procession is great. We will do more research about Falun Dafa.”

Manalj, a computer engineer, said that people need Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Manalj watched the parade with enthusiasm. When practitioners’ procession passed him, he said, “Falun Dafa practitioners’ procession is very colorful. It is very meaningful when practitioners participate in the parade. It is great.”

When he heard that Falun Dafa practitioners abide by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, he said, “I absolutely like the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, especially when facing this chaotic world. People are under a lot of stress. These principles are very meaningful. Everyone in this world needs these principles. It can help lessen our stress and anxieties.”

Kadel commented on how well-disciplined the Falun Dafa practitioners were.

It was the first time Kadel had ever seen a Falun Dafa procession, and he said, “This is great. This is my first time encountering Falun Dafa. What is it?” He learned that Falun Dafa is a cultivation practice of mind and body and about the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He said, “This is very good. Thank you for participating in the parade. Practitioners look very well-disciplined. Being well-disciplined is very important in cultivation.

Rohedbal from India came to the parade with his daughter.

Rohedbal, who is from India, brought his daughter to see the parade. When he saw the practitioners’ procession he said, “It is very beautiful. Chinese culture and Indian culture are alike. I like the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”

Sashi Redu supports Falun Dafa.

Sashi Redu enjoyed the practitioners’ procession. She remarked on their precise movements and said, “I like their costumes. They are spreading a meaningful message. I definitely like the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. It is very beautiful. Who would not agree with such beautiful principles?”

After learning about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners, she said, “The CCP wants to control people and forbid them from learning the truth. They have no compassion. I would definitely support Falun Dafa.”

Rupan, a registered nurse, hopes to practice Falun Dafa.

“I want to learn and practice Falun Dafa.” said Rupan, a registered nurse. Her friend recommended Falun Dafa to her and said that the practice can bring peace and happiness to one’s soul. “I want to give it a try. I give my full support to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”

Indian Veteran: “The CCP is more evil than Hitler.”

Sukhi Jid, an Indian veteran, said that the CCP is more evil than Hitler.

“This is great! This is beautiful!” said Sukhi Jid, an Indian veteran, as the practitioners’ procession passed him. “They are very well-disciplined. I’ve heard about Falun Dafa and have seen them doing the exercises in Fremont Park. This is a good group of people. I like Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”

He commented that many still do not know the truth of Falun Dafa. “The CCP is more evil than Hitler.”