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Everything We Encounter in Cultivation Is Good

Aug. 24, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in northeast China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. However, because I did not read the teachings in depth and was not diligent in my cultivation, I was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) when I went to Beijing to speak up for Dafa after the persecution started on July 20, 1999. After 2001, I gradually stopped practicing. In 2009 I resumed practicing and knew I needed to make up for the cultivation opportunities I missed.

Overcoming Tribulations

Every week, I joined two Fa study groups as I wanted to make up for the years I wasted. As I read the teachings, I learned that in the past I only understood the surface meanings of the Fa. I was obstructed by my attachment to fear but I did not realize it. At the end of 2010, I started a family material production site. In 2012, a local practitioner was persecuted for clarifying the truth about the persecution. No one was willing to take her place. The coordinator asked if I could step in. In 2014, another practitioner was persecuted and the coordinator contacted me again. I thought that I stepped up the last time, but I did not do well. This time I felt he should ask other practitioners who were more capable. However, he said, “You are familiar with the situation. It is better if you do it.” I told him that I would think about it. As my identity card and personal information had already been exposed during the previous round of persecution, fear crept in. I was reluctant.

The negative elements were able to see everything clearly in another realm and my body was persecuted. I had the symptoms of a stroke (cerebral thrombosis). Although the symptoms went away after about ten days, I was not able to read the Falun Dafa books. Whenever I tried to read, I had double vision. I asked my daughter to help me by pointing out the mistakes as I read. She began practicing when she was young but stopped after the CCP began persecuting Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999.

I thought that this was not a bad thing as in the process she would also be reading the Fa. However, after a few days, she no longer wanted to help me. Another practitioner asked me to go to her house to study the Fa and I went. But some practitioners complained that I read too slowly, so that practitioner asked me to stop coming.

I switched to listening to the recordings of Master’s lectures.

Busy With Family

In 2015, my granddaughter was born, and I began looking after her. I left my house at 5 a.m. and turned on the MP3 to listen to Master’s lectures as I did the housework. I had breakfast at 8 a.m. I returned home after completing all the housework. In the morning, I went out to talk to people about Falun Dafa. In the afternoon I looked after the child and we listened to the Fa. In 2018, my daughter accidentally conceived again but everyone persuaded her to give up the baby. I thought that our family indeed did not have the financial conditions to raise another child but practitioners do not kill living beings as they are all here to obtain the Fa. After thinking through the matter, we decided to keep the baby and thus I had a second grandchild.

After the child was born, I was even busier. Every day, I looked after the children. Since I wasted so many years and I could not read the Fa, I felt anxious but I did not know what the problem was. After some time, I gave up trying to find out why this happened, since the more I tried, the more I was attached to the matter.

One day in April 2021, my ex-husband came to my house and asked my son-in-law to accompany him to see the doctor. I recalled that Master said,

“Along the way I’ve also spelled out what it takes to be a good person, and hope that after my instruction at the very least you can do that, if not become a practitioner—to the betterment of the world. You now have the tools in your hands to be a better person. And I am confident that after the class you will be.” (The Ninth Talk, Zhuan Falun)

My ex-husband was hospitalized, and I helped him. I kept clarifying the truth to him. After he understood, he listened to Master’s lectures. The doctor told me that he had terminal cancer and would only live for three months. He asked me about my relationship with him to see what should be done next. I told him that I was his ex-wife but he had a brother and a sister. The doctor asked me to discuss the situation with them as surgery would not help my husband. After that, we returned home.

Our house is small but the building in front was vacant. His sister rented it and he stayed there. When my daughter was three years old, my ex-husband no longer carried out his duties as a father. He left us when she was seven years old. As such, my daughter had a negative opinion of her father. I persuaded her and she tried to help him. However, they soon argued and I had no choice but to look after him myself. I looked after him until he passed away. As he had been listening to the lectures, my ex-husband did not suffer much pain. His sister said, “How should I thank you?” I said, “There is no need to thank me. If you want to thank anyone, you can thank my Master. If I did not practice Falun Dafa, I would not be able to overlook the divorce and help him.” His sister said, “In that case, I thank Falun Dafa’s Master.”

A Miracle

China experienced a massive COVID surge at the end of 2022. I developed a fever but I did not measure it. The symptoms soon went away. My family members also had fevers and their temperatures were slightly higher than 37 degrees Celsius. Their fevers also went away after one or two days. Later, I unconsciously acknowledged the symptoms of COVID. I felt really uncomfortable and I had difficulty turning my head. It felt like the room was spinning. What made it worse is that when I was dizzy, I became disoriented and did not know what was happening around me. However, I knew that these symptoms were not real.

One afternoon, the alarm on the car outside my window suddenly sounded. As my balcony is high, I have to step on a small stool if I want to see what’s happening outside. Just then, my grandson rushed in and jumped on the stool and I could only stand on one side of it. When he saw that I climbed up, he jumped off the stool. Due to the weight imbalance, the stool tipped and I fell. My head smashed into the metal door. I began bleeding from a three-centimeter triangular gash on my head.

I went to the washroom to grab some tissue paper to press on the wound, which bled profusely. Both children sat in the full lotus position and sent forth righteous thoughts. I also sat in the full lotus position to send forth righteous thoughts. After an hour, the bleeding stopped.

It is really like what Master said, “...whatever it is you encounter—good or bad—is a good thing...” (Teachings at the 2005 Conference in San Francisco). After this fall, my double vision disappeared and I no longer felt dizzy.

All these years, Master saw that I did not understand the Fa principles. I know that through this experience Master helped me pay back karma. I immediately said, “Thank you, Master.”

As I wrote this, my tears kept flowing. Now, I can read the Fa. I will definitely study the Fa well, save more people, and not let Master’s benevolent salvation down!