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Cultivating Forbearance Amidst Hardship

Aug. 23, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am sixty-four years old and have been cultivating Falun Dafa for more than twenty years under the care of Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa). I am grateful for Master’s compassionate salvation.

I was innocent, kind, and carefree since I was a child. And I loved watching movies about Buddhist cultivation since I was a teenager. One day when I got home, I saw that my father was reading a book titled Zhuan Falun. I randomly picked it up and looked through it. I thought it was good. So I finished reading it in a few days. After reading Zhuan Falun, I suddenly understood a lot of questions I had puzzled over. I finally found the truth I was looking for. Tears flowed down my face while I was studying the Fa. The shock was unforgettable. I was really so fortunate. Since then, there was a qualitative change in my life. Every cell in my body was joyful. I felt that everything was so simple and clear. I had no concerns or worries. I felt relaxed and happy in my heart. I could treat others kindly without reservation.

This happiness didn’t last for more than a year, because the evil began to persecute Dafa with a frenzy, spreading rumors and slander all over the world. The persecution and pressure made me breathless. Finally one day, I broke free from the shackles in my mind and decided to embark on the path of validating the Fa. Since I didn’t have any materials to clarify the truth, I just wrote out the information by hand, and distributed as many copies as I could write. Over a year later, fellow practitioners set up truth-clarification materials production sites, and I could finally get materials from them.

In the countryside there was a lot of work to do, and I had two children in school. My husband didn’t allow me to study the Fa or do the exercises, so he found fault and interfered with me over everything. One day I got up in the morning to cook, and before the fire was lit, he came out of the house and said, “What are you cooking for!” He smashed the pot as he spoke! We didn’t have breakfast that morning.

When I came back from working in the fields that same morning, I used the stove outside and a pot that I didn’t often use to cook lunch. After cooking lunch, I didn’t eat any and went back to work in the fields. After I got home, my husband was swearing nonstop, into the night. I told him there was nothing wrong with me studying the Fa. What Dafa cultivates is Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and being a good person. But no matter what I said, he didn’t listen, and the day passed like this.

The next day I prepared the meal and went to work in the field as usual. When it was time to go home after finishing work in the afternoon, he harnessed the ox cart, threw my bicycle into the cart, and left by himself in the ox cart. Our farmland is far away from my home, about seven or eight miles away. By the time I walked home, it was so dark that I couldn’t see anything.

On the third day, after I finished making the meal, we went to work in the fields. My husband was weeding, while cursing and swearing. I hadn’t eaten for two days, and I felt tired, hungry, and thirsty. “What’s wrong with me? Dafa cultivates Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I am not wrong!” I threw the hoe down and sat on the ground, feeling an unspeakable discomfort in my heart. When I lowered my head, I remembered Master’s teaching:

“When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun)

Inadvertently, I looked up to the sky, and I saw Master teaching a little girl the first set of exercises! I was surprised and delighted. I thought it was because my eyes were dazzled. I looked down, and looked up again; I still saw the same scene.

I knew it was Master giving me a hint. I told Master in my heart that I am grateful for His compassionate salvation! After a while, my husband said to me: “I was wrong!” He pulled me up from the ground and said, “Let’s go home.” We made up like this.

One day I was going to fill a bucket with water and needed a water card. There was 500 yuan on the card, but I couldn’t find it after searching at home for two or three days. What should I do? At this time, I thought of Master and asked Him for help. I thought about the principles of “Great Telekinesis” and “Small Telekinesis.” After two days, I suddenly saw this card, thinking it came back! Surprised and delighted at the time, I walked into the room and put my hands together facing Master’s picture. I am grateful to Master for always protecting me. In the short time left in the future, I will do the three things well.

I was greatly moved by many fellow practitioners’ experience-sharing articles. I don’t know how many times I picked up my pen and put it down again, wanting to write an article to share my experiences. I always felt that I was ordinary and often had nothing to share. Today I mustered up the courage to tell these two short stories and share them with fellow practitioners. Please kindly point it out if something is incorrect.