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Righteous Thinking in Regards to Security

Aug. 18, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) There is a relatively large Falun Dafa informational materials production site in our area that has caused great concern about lax security over the years.

The practitioner who manages it does not seem to be concerned about safety. She does not lock her door and she said she does that for the convenience of practitioners who come to pick up flyers and brochures. Some coordinators and other practitioners in the countryside get the materials directly from her. Practitioners often have meetings there. Whenever anyone needs materials, they go there and get them. Eventually, some suspicious looking people went there to fetch materials. They did not look like practitioners. One person was confirmed to be a non-practitioner. Nobody knows what he did with the materials he took.

The elderly practitioner who runs the materials site has hearing issues, and so she speaks very loudly. Because she does not close the door or pay attention to her speech, the conversations she has with practitioners about doing the three things can clearly be heard downstairs. She also calls practitioners by their real names.

Over the years, some of us reminded her to pay attention to security, but she does not listen. She thought she was dedicating herself to Dafa with strong righteous thoughts. She said the other practitioners all have human notions and an attachment to fear.

A few days ago, a practitioner saw people they thought were plain-clothes officers downstairs at her building. Other people also noticed them. The practitioners in our area immediately got together and had an in-depth sharing on the site issues.

Airing Our Concerns

It was obvious that this elderly practitioner did not pay attention to security, but why did the problem go unaddressed for so many years? Many practitioners, including some coordinators and veteran practitioners, went to the site together, which could compromise the security of both themselves and the location.

Some of us worried about the situation and tried to stop practitioners from going to the site in groups. But without truly realizing the seriousness of the security issue, practitioners resumed going there, which caused some tension and conflicts.

I searched within and realized it was time for all of us to cultivate and focus on security. I felt that I hadn’t focused on this issue or done what I was supposed to.

Here is a summary of what was said at the meeting.

1) A practitioner from a nearby village said, “I think she [the elderly practitioner who produces the materials] might have cultivated well. Her level is high and her righteous thoughts are strong. No one can hurt her.”

2) Someone said, “I don’t think there is any problem. If there was a problem, she would have been arrested a long time ago.”

3) One of the coordinators explained why she still went there to get materials even though she knew there was a safety issue. She said she was being selfish because it was in a convenient location. Also, the elderly practitioner is always there and available, does not have fear, and seems to have strong righteous thoughts.

4) Even if the practitioner who runs the site has strong righteous thoughts, there is no guarantee that the people picking up the materials have strong righteous thoughts. Wouldn’t it be easy for the bad people to take advantage of us if those practitioners have loopholes?

What is True Righteous Thinking?

What is a righteous thought? We need to use the Fa as the standard to measure ourselves.

I searched for related articles on Minghui.org and found that this problem is the same as the phone security problem. It is very serious. Are we are not clear about the requirements of Dafa, or have we just forgotten the requirements with regards to this issue?

One article on Minghui.org said we should keep the materials production sites and the group Fa-study sites separate. Also, the fewer the practitioners that know about the sites, the safer they are. Only the practitioners who are in charge of making the materials and facilitating communication among us should know the details. The locations should be kept secret from other people, especially from non-practitioners.

Master said,

“The situation in China is very complicated. As soon as your thinking is a bit off, the old forces will seize upon that gap. So you must be especially mindful when it comes to your cultivation and the motives behind your actions there. After all, that is the place of red terror.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2015 New York Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XIII)

What is righteous thinking? Our righteous thoughts come from the Fa. They must meet the requirements of Dafa and assimilate the Fa. Having no fear does not equate to having righteous thoughts.

It’s true that the practitioner who made the materials has been steadfastly walking the path of Dafa cultivation all these years, but we should be responsible for all practitioners and work together as one body. We should not merely view “no fear” as righteous thinking. Further understanding the requirements of Dafa, we should all use the Fa to measure everything we do and say, rectify our behavior according to the Fa, and not allow the evil to take advantage of any loopholes in our cultivation.

Some practitioners noted that even though there were security issues all these years, nothing bad has happened at this site. There are two reasons I can think of to explain why this is.

1) Our compassionate Master has been protecting us. Although what we did in some areas did not comply with the Fa, Master cherishes our dedication. In the process, Master has been giving us hints. Just like the time multiple practitioners saw the non-practitioners at the site. We should all search within and immediately rectify ourselves.

2) Our actions have already been taken advantage of by the evil. Just as a practitioner said in the article “Guarding Our Speech and Cell Phone Security” on the Minghui website: “… it was the first practitioner who gave them the information that was responsible for the second practitioner’s arrest and eventual fate. Yet she might be under the illusion that she is cultivating well and has strong righteous thoughts because the police don’t arrest her.”

In the same article, the practitioner said: “Our cultivation is full of difficulties and dangers. Everything we do is recorded, including how well we do it, the positive and negative effects of it, and the damage caused by our negligence.”

We must raise our safety awareness and be rational. We should implement effective and necessary security methods and protective measures to avoid unnecessary losses. Only by doing this, will we be able to do the three things well.