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Falun Gong Guided My Cousin to a New Perspective

Aug. 18, 2023 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) Twenty years ago my cousin Yan had several unsettling dreams that left her feeling disoriented. I used the insights I'd gained from practicing Falun Gong to help explain her dreams, and her outlook on life changed.

At that time, Yan was a district education bureau director. She visited me after work one day and told me about her bad dreams:

“In the first dream, I was aboard a bus that drove down a treacherous mountain road. As the bus hurtled towards the cliff’s edge, I woke up in a cold sweat. In the next dream, I was in a car driving along a winding road. Anticipating a complete stop, I placed one foot outside the car door. Unexpectedly, the car surged forward, leaving me with one foot in and the other out before the car eventually stopped.

“In the last dream I was on another bus, this time driving through a dense forest. The bus paused at a crossroads with a sign indicating a crematorium to the left. On the right side I noticed people were practicing qigong under a banner that read ‘Falun Gong.’”

Because she knew I practiced Falun Gong, Yan asked me to help explain her dreams.

I said, “The bus speeding towards the cliff symbolizes the potential danger in your life. Nowadays, bribery has sadly become normal among government officials. Our Master has taught us the principle of ‘no loss, no gain.’ If you take things you may have to repay. Nothing is free. In order to pay back what you owe, you may become ill or even die.

“The second dream illustrates your inner turmoil resulting from actions that weigh on your conscience. One foot inside and one foot outside the car signifies this struggle. The third dream signifies a crossroads in your life. You must choose a path. The presence of Falun Gong in your dreams is a choice, and may point to your future.”

I offered her a copy of Zhuan Falun and advised her to read it. She returned a week later and said she read the book. She said she understood from the book, that good deeds accumulate virtue while bad deeds cause karma. She said she regretted not listening to me when I suggested she practice Falun Gong. She said Master and Falun Gong rescued her in her time of need, showing her a clear path forward.

She also told me that she had some difficulties after she accepted a 2,000-square-foot apartment from a construction company, as a bribe. Based on the bribe, she awarded that company some construction projects for her education bureau. She recalled that, years ago, when a teacher in her district who practiced Falun Gong kindly declined an apartment assigned by the bureau, many people couldn’t understand her. Now she understood that the teacher was truly letting go of the pursuit of personal interest. She also understood why the corrupt communist regime had to persecute Falun Gong, because it is so righteous.

With her new realization, she returned the apartment to the construction company and told the manager, “I approved the projects to your company because you have a good reputation. We will continue to work together in the future, but I can’t accept your apartment.”

I was very happy for her choice, and said, “Heaven knows everything we do.”

She replied, “That’s right! It must be the Heaven that sees my wrongdoing and reminds me through the dreams.”

In 2004 I suggested she read the book Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Following her reading, her entire family renounced their affiliations with the Chinese Communist Party and its associated organizations using their real names. In 2015, when numerous practitioners filed lawsuits against former communist regime head Jiang Zemin for launching the persecution, Yan’s family signed their real names to a petition supporting the effort.

Now in their 80s, both my cousin and her husband enjoy robust health. Despite the COVID pandemic their family was blessed and none of them were infected.

Upon reading the Falun Gong founder Master Li Hongzhi’s article titled “How Humankind Came To Be,” Yan was moved: “Only by adhering to Master’s teachings and distancing oneself from the Chinese Communist Party can individuals transcend catastrophe and usher in a new era.”