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Navigating a Health Crisis

Aug. 18, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 2009. I’m now 68, but when I was in my 50s I suffered from many ailments, such as high blood pressure, heart problems, cervical spondylosis, lumbar muscle strain, and bone hyperplasia in multiple joints.

My two younger sisters also suffered from many illnesses, but after they began practicing Falun Dafa, their illnesses went away. They told me, “Please try practicing Falun Dafa with us.” When I saw their health improve, I decided to practice.

That was 14 years ago, and I have not taken any medication since then. I take care of the grandchildren and do the housework for my daughters. Both of my daughters support my belief in Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and often say they’re very grateful to Master Li for giving me such good health. Their families are safe and happy.

Last year, my older daughter bought a blood glucose meter and suggested that I test my blood sugar level. I said I didn’t need to. But both my daughters urged me to do it, saying that it was normal for old people to frequently monitor their health. I knew their thinking was from an ordinary person’s point of view, and that, as a cultivator, I didn’t need to do any medical testing. But my husband also insisted that I take the test, so I agreed. I was confident I would definitely not have any issues since I had practiced Dafa for so many years.

Unexpectedly, my fasting blood sugar was 13.0 mmol/L [any result over 10.0 mmol/L is considered high]. I was shocked and wondered how this could happen. I told myself this was a false result, and I must completely deny it. However, my family was concerned and asked me to go to the hospital for more tests. The test at the hospital also showed the same result. My husband was very anxious. My younger daughter, who works in a hospital, was also concerned and said it was necessary for me to get medical treatment. However, I was determined that I would not treat myself as an ordinary person. After my older daughter saw my determination, she said to wait for a couple of weeks before starting any medical treatment.

My family treated me like I was a patient. I tried to be unmoved under such strong pressure and I was determined to regard myself as a true cultivator.

I calmed down and looked inward, telling myself, “There must be something wrong with my cultivation state. I must firmly believe in Master Li and Dafa. Only Master can save me!” With firm righteous thoughts, I decided to write the following letter to my family, to help them understand my feelings:

“Dear family,

Right now, I have sickness karma, which is making you anxious and stressed. I know your concern comes from your love for me. I understand, and I too feel immense pressure because of the test results. I have benefited so much from my 14 years of cultivation in Dafa and gained many things that money can’t buy. I had many illnesses before I started to practice. You all know that I’ve never taken any medicine or injections since I began cultivating and have smoothly made it through to this day. My good health and calm life are all because of Master, and words cannot convey my gratitude to Him.

Because this health issue arose, I carefully searched inward and found that I did not meet the requirements of Dafa. My xinxing (character) had not improved; I had many human notions and a strong attachment to food. These things resulted in such a consequence. I have thought, over and over again, that if I do as you ask—get medical treatment—I wouldn’t be cultivating, because cultivation practice is serious. I won’t achieve anything if I reach out for the divine with one hand while clutching my human attachments with the other. If I walk the path of an ordinary person, it would be equivalent to destroying myself, and this thought upsets me.

I realize the only way to resolve my health issue is to cultivate myself. I know cultivation practice is not easy because it is a path to the divine. I’ve decided to continue to follow Master’s requirements and walk steadfastly on the path He arranged. Please rest assured, I will have a satisfactory outcome.”

I sent the letter to my family chat group, but nobody responded. After two weeks, my husband tested my blood sugar again and it was 7.0 mmol/L, which is in the normal range. I knew that merciful Master helped me eliminate karma after seeing my unwavering determination to cultivate. During those two weeks, I read the Fa, sent more righteous thoughts, looked inward, and shared cultivation experiences with other practitioners. I also received help from practitioners who encouraged me to believe in Master and the Fa one hundred percent, and not be deceived by the old forces’ arrangements.

My experience showed that Falun Dafa is amazing. I posted my blood sugar test result to my family’s chat group, and they were happy that it was normal.

Thank you, Master! Thank you, Dafa!