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Let Go of Human Notions and Find the Root Cause of the Persecution

Aug. 15, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Some practitioners think that they are persecuted because they produce and distribute truth-clarification materials. I feel this understanding is wrong because they are using human notions to identify and resolve their cultivation issues.

Doing things to validate Dafa is not the cause of the persecution. The real reason, to some extent, is that we have the wrong mindset when we work on something or we have strong attachments that are taken advantage of by the old forces, resulting in persecution.

I was caught posting Falun Dafa materials by a surveillance camera some time ago and was later arrested and detained. I knew posting Dafa materials was not the reason for my arrest, it was because I had loopholes in my cultivation.

Thus I searched inward and discovered that I did things hastily, but more importantly, I had a strong attachment to lust. I’ve even watched pornographic videos, and that was the reason the bad elements were able to persecute me.

After finding my attachment, I followed the Fa principles to correct myself. I asked the police to allow me to do the exercises, and they approved. So I did the Dafa exercises every day, recited three lectures of Zhuan Falun, sent forth righteous thoughts, and talked to others about Dafa and the persecution (even though I didn’t do well enough in this regard).

I didn’t have the attachment of wanting to be released, and I thought I should be an upright and dignified practitioner no matter where I was.

The procuratorate disproved the arrest 37 days later, and I was released. Master (Falun Dafa’s founder) rescued me because I found and cleaned up my attachments. Thank you Master for your compassion!

I hope practitioners stop looking at issues with human notions, and don’t let them hinder your progress in cultivation.