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Reciting Falun Dafa Auspicious Phrases Brings Protection and Blessings in Times of Danger

Aug. 1, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent

(Minghui.org) Thanks to Falun Dafa practitioners’ persistence in bringing the facts to the public, more and more people now support Dafa and recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” when they encounter danger. The following are four such stories.

Escaping Danger

I am not a Falun Dafa practitioner, but I understand the practice and often recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

I dozed off while riding in the passenger side of a car one night in November 2022. I woke up as the car began to veer off to the left and eventually hit the guardrail hard. Before the car even came to a stop I realized we were in trouble and shouted, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Master (the founder of Falun Dafa), please save us!”

The car instantly made a few loud bangs and stopped. The person driving and I were safe. We got out and checked out the car. Glass was shattered, wheels were twisted, and the back doors would not open. The car was not drivable.

Near the back of the car was a ditch two meters (6.5 feet) deep. I cried, “Thank you Master for saving us!” I found my glasses under the seat, which were intact.

The police arrived and could not believe that we were not even scratched given the condition of the car. I was deeply aware that Dafa’s Master saved us!

Auspicious Phrases Saved My Elderly Aunt From Complications of Surgery

My aunt was in her 80s when she was diagnosed with stomach cancer in 2021. I sent her 5,000 yuan for her surgery. The surgery was successful, but she developed complications. There was no movement (peristalsis) of her stomach and colon after the surgery.

With no treatment available, I called my aunt and cousins and asked them to repeat, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” They had already quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its related organizations, and they all agreed to recite the auspicious phrases.

When I called again, my aunt was already home. Her entire family recited the auspicious phrases, and her health quickly improved. She expressed her gratitude toward Dafa Master, and she continues even now to recite the phrases.

A Miracle Happened to My Granddaughter

My daughter gave birth to her second child in April of this year, a girl weighing seven pounds. While overjoyed, my daughter found that the baby’s left foot was turned outward. My daughter immediately consulted the doctor, who said this was caused by fetal compression, called “eversion of the foot.” The doctor suggested having the baby’s foot corrected with surgery.

We were all concerned about surgery for such a small baby. I told my daughter to recite the auspicious phrases, and that miracles could happen. I also recited the auspicious phrases whenever I held the baby. The baby looked at me smiling as if she understood. Three days later, we were surprised to find that her left foot had corrected itself and was completely normal.

Recovering From Breast Cancer

My neighbor - Liang - fell while cutting a tree and became paralyzed. Knowing that the family relied on him for income, I decided to visit and introduce them to Falun Dafa.

Liang laid in bed. He had lost a lot of weight since the accident. I told him that Falun Dafa was effective in helping people to improve health, and how it is taught free of charge. I told him about the auspicious phrases. He looked at me and said he did not believe any of that.

While he refused to listen to me, his wife became interested and asked me for more information. She also asked me to write down the auspicious phrases for her so she could recite them daily. I urged her to quit the CCP and its related organizations, to avoid going down with it when it’s brought to justice one day. She delightedly agreed to quit the Young Pioneers.

I later learned that Liang’s wife had breast cancer, and recovered completely by reciting the auspicious phrases. But Liang unfortunately died of paralysis complications.

Related article in Chinese:
