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University Student in Paris: Thank You for Letting Us Know about Falun Dafa

July 8, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondent Zhou Wenying

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held events in Châtelet and Montparnasse, which are located in the city center of Paris, on the afternoon of July 1 and 2, 2023. They told residents and tourists about Falun Dafa and how the practice is persecuted in China. Many people signed the petition to end the persecution.

Practitioners held an event in Châtelet, a neighborhood located in Paris’ city center on July 1, 2023.

Practitioners held an event on July 2, 2023 at the Place Raoul Dautry, near the Montparnasse train station in Paris. They demonstrated the exercises, told people about Falun Dafa and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes it.

“I Support You”

Stéphanie (left) and her friend

When Stéphanie and her friend noticed the event in Châtelet, they stopped to read the information. Stéphanie said, “A practice that is beneficial to one’s mind and body is forbidden in China. People have no freedom to practice and are jailed due to their spiritual belief. This persecution must be exposed. I signed the petition to support you!”

University Student: Thank You for Letting Us Know about Falun Dafa

José is a sophomore majoring in economics. After he practiced the fifth Falun Dafa exercise (the meditation), he said, “The Falun Dafa exercises help us relax. Thank you for letting us know about Falun Dafa.” He said that the CCP is committing crimes, and is evil. It harvests practitioners’ organs while they are still alive, which is very vicious.

Jansinboy (first from the left), José (second from the left) and two university classmates said that Falun Dafa is beneficial.

Jansinboy is in his fourth year at university. After he and his classmates did the Falun Dafa exercises, he said, “This is a really good way to get rid of anxiety. The virtues of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance protect people. I know that practicing this exercise can help us fight many illnesses and improve our immunity. When a person meditates, the cells in his body regenerate. I really like this cultivation method. This is really a wonderful discovery.” He said that he wanted to practice Falun Dafa every morning.

According to Jansinboy, this practice is like a form of treatment, a natural healing method. He commented that China’s ancient culture is respected by everyone in the world, so we should not lose it. He said, "People cannot persecute this kind of culture, which is beneficial to mankind. The harvesting of cultivators' organs while they are still alive and selling them is a crime. It is really saddening."

Wally Dina, a teacher, said, “Living in Europe, people have a lot of freedom. Therefore, it is hard to imagine that there are places in this world where people are deprived of their freedom. Take for example, the CCP’s harvesting of practitioners’ organs while they are still alive, this exceeds the understanding and concept of normal people. The perpetrators should all be punished.”

Delphine Oauric said that returning to one’s original true self is why human beings are on Earth.

On her way to church Delphine Oauric noticed the practitioners’ event. She talked with them for a long time, and said, “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are fundamental. They are the most important. They [Falun Dafa practitioners] are very peaceful and calm.”

Ms. Oauric said that she used to be anxious and was focused on making money. She later realized that this is not important. “Returning to one’s original true self is the reason we are on Earth.”