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Leaving Sorrow Behind

July 4, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) The most painful feeling is seeing loved ones die, especially young people. One can’t help but feel sorry for the spouse, children, and the elderly relatives who mourn the loss of their loved ones.

A relative of mine passed away last year, and I would be heartbroken if I were not a Falun Dafa practitioner. This relative was a practitioner in his 50s. He was diligent in his cultivation, kindhearted, and helped people. His family, coworkers, and fellow practitioners all said that he was a good person. We don’t know the reason for his having sickness karma and passing away.

Practitioners who knew him eventually calmed down and looked at the issue rationally. We evaluated what happened from the perspective of the Fa principles. We understood that the old forces took this practitioner away to wreak havoc on our cultivation environment. He was a family member, a coordinator with a technical background, and someone with whom we studied the Fa. The old forces wanted to use “sentimentality” to drag us down, and the only way to avoid this interference was to let go of our emotional attachments.

When my relative was going through serious sickness karma, many practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts for him, yet he still left us. It was a painful blow to all of us. Later on, I realized that I should not be distracted by his passing, and should let go of sorrow. The deceased relative didn’t want us to grieve. Instead, he needed us to send forth righteous thoughts and ask Master, the founder of Falun Dafa, for help. So I stopped my weeping.

Many friends and relatives showed up at the memorial service during the pandemic. The funeral home played mourning music, and the solemn atmosphere made people feel sad and cry. I tried to restrain myself and stay calm. I recited in my mind, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

When I walked into the funeral hall to bid farewell, I was not moved by people’s sobbing, and continued to recite those words. The human body is like a piece of clothing, and the deceased was watching us from above. I didn’t say goodbye with tears in my eyes, and I believed my relative would follow Master to a wonderful place.

I went to the funeral home during the Qingming festival (Tomb-Sweeping Day) to pay respects to my relative. As soon as I entered the place, I felt a thick black cloud over me, and it was depressing. I remembered past events and wanted to cry, as most people would.

But I decided not to feel depressed. A hole opened up in the middle of the dark cloud, and I flew up into a blue sky with white clouds and warm sunshine. I “met” with my deceased relative and we had a good visit. My environment changed according to my state of mind.

Master is giving us the best of the best, but we tend to look at things with human notions. Emotion is a strange thing; the more you want it, ask for it, and hold onto it, the tighter it will wrap around you. When you say you don’t want it and really mean it, it will break away and disappear.

Regardless of the type of predestined relationship we have with each other, separation is bound to happen, and that is the natural order of life. When we understand the origin and destination of lives, we can accept it.

I hope practitioners who have lost relatives are not tangled up in emotion and confused by the illusions of the human world. Time is running out, and there are still many people who don’t understand Falun Dafa.

Let’s put our responsibility to assist Master in the Fa-rectification as our number one priority. There is no room for emotion and we shouldn’t let it interfere with us. The death of loved ones are tests, and we can overcome them with help from Master and Dafa. “Sentimentality” is a diety in the Three Realms and prevents anyone from leaving. We need to break through this barrier so that we can return home with Master.