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Belgium: People Condemn Organ Harvesting Targeting Practitioners at Event in Brussels

July 3, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondent Rong Fa in Brussels

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from France, Germany, and Belgium held an activity in the city of Brussels on June 26, 2023. They told people about Falun Dafa and exposed the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ongoing persecution. Many people called for an end to the persecution by signing a petition and said that the crimes of forced live organ harvesting needed to end immediately.

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises and tell people about the beauty of the practice during an event in Brussels on June 26.

People talk with practitioners and learn about Falun Dafa.

People sign the petition to end the CCP’s ongoing persecution.

“The persecution must end immediately.”

Ali Ozdemir who lives in Brussels, said that he was drawn to the practitioners’ exercise demonstrations. He learned about the CCP’s ongoing persecution by reading the poster boards and banners.

He asked practitioners about the persecution and said, “It is hard for me to believe what I am hearing. This behavior is not normal. The CCP is hindering human rights in China and this is a crime. The persecution must end immediately.”

He continued, “It is murder when you harvest organs from a human body, sell it, and transfer it to a patient. This is the first time I’ve heard about it and it is really hard for me to understand. I do believe that this is still happening. Doing this is committing a crime. We are not animals or machines. We are human. I will tell everyone I know about this persecution. We need to stop this atrocity, the persecution must end immediately.”

Let More People Be Aware of the Persecution and End It

Silva de Abreu watched practitioners do the exercises and read the poster boards and banners. She lingered for a long time at the practitioners’ booth and then signed the petition.

She said, “The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are the best for everyone and we should abide by them.” She said she signed the petition because she felt forced live organ harvesting which targets Falun Dafa practitioners is unacceptable. “The worst part is that what is happening in China is being done by the government.”

She said that not only would she tell her friends and family about Falun Dafa, but she would also post the photos she took on social media. She said, “I have taken a lot of pictures today and I will post them so more people can be aware of this persecution and together we can end it.”

Police Remove Chinese Students Who Attempt to Disrupt Practitioners’ Activity

The CCP sent a group of students including an arrogant young woman to the booth that day. They harassed practitioners and the young woman shouted aggressively at two female practitioners. A young man holding a CCP flag sat in front of the poster boards, so people could not read them.

Holding Falun Dafa flyers in her hand, a Western lady pointed at the poster boards and told the young woman, “The CCP is murdering people, they have murdered many people.”

A local resident tells the Chinese lady to stop harassing practitioners.

Western Falun Dafa practitioners kindly asked the man to leave and not fall into the CCP’s trap. They asked him how much he knew about Falun Dafa, when Falun Dafa was introduced in China, and when the CCP started to persecute Falun Dafa. The young man was not able to answer any of their questions.

Because they would not stop harassing the practitioners, the young women and man were taken away by police officers.