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Everyone in Our Village Was Safe During the Pandemic

June 8, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) By the end of 2022, many people had lost their lives due to the pandemic. A neighboring village just a kilometer away lost dozens of people, while everyone in my village was safe. 

I was born in a small village in Hebei. Most of the folks in the village are genuine and kind. Following graduation from college, I went to work and settled down in a city. I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996 and told my relatives and friends in my hometown about it. I bought Dafa books and videotapes of Master’s lectures for them.

Many people in our village took up Dafa. Ms. Zhao is a devoted volunteer instructor. She often played videos of Master’s teachings in her home. Many folks came to her house and asked, “Can I study this Dafa? Do I have what it takes?” She enthusiastically told them, “Yes, yes, anyone can learn.”

Mr. Sen is in his 70s now. He was bedridden for years, but after he started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996, he completely recovered. He regained strength and worked as if he was a young man. He could easily walk in the field with a heavy bag of fertilizer. His story spread throughout our village. Many people were so impressed that they also began the practice.

When I visited my hometown and participated in an evening group exercise, I was touched to see about a hundred people, including those in their 70s and 80s, as well as children just a few years old.

One day, the player used for the exercise music stopped working. Ms. Zhao took it to the appliance repair shop in the village. After it was fixed, the repair shop owner refused to take her money. They told her that she used the player for the benefit of the villagers and they could not take her money, as they also wanted to do something good for others.

When the persecution began in 1999, my village was identified by the county as a key persecution target. The county government wanted to appoint a person from the village to be the director of the 610 Office, an extralegal agency specifically created to persecute Falun Dafa. The person they chose said, “Absolutely no way will I take the position. I won’t do anything that offensive. That would not only harm people but also violate heavenly law.”

None of the secretaries or village heads of our village have ever persecuted Dafa practitioners. Whenever the county and township officials came to harass Dafa practitioners, they would notify them ahead of time or even prevent the officials from coming. Many villagers and village officials also quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations.

During the New Year Holiday, Mr. Sen distributed Master’s new article “How Humankind Came To Be” to villagers. They were all happy to receive it, knowing that Dafa has been protecting the village during the pandemic.

I’d like to end my article with a poem:

Buddha’s light illuminates the villageObtain Dafa and experience the wonderMore people follow suit and their hearts are upliftedVillagers are protected and blessed in the pandemic