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Looking Inward Unconditionally

June 5, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) A practitioner in my local area was illegally arrested. Several practitioners from other cities helped us secure the release of the practitioner. While we met to discuss the rescue effort, one practitioner, who has legal knowledge, spoke in a negative manner. I was shocked by his remarks and thought his behavior was unlike that of a Dafa practitioner. Although I did not like what I saw, I tried to control myself and let another practitioner respond to him. 

At mealtime, he sat in the middle of the sofa with his legs spread apart, while others sat around the tea table. He was the youngest among us, but his attitude was bossy. He reprimanded an over-70-year-old practitioner and commented rudely to another practitioner. Both of them remained calm to his offensive remarks. I could not believe what I heard. This was the first time I’d ever met such a rude practitioner! What an eye-opener!

I also had a few shortcomings, including poor patience, easily getting angry upon encountering issues, and wanting to fight against injustice. I knew these were associated with the bad influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) indoctrination, and I should get rid of that demonic nature. I told myself to keep a peaceful mindset and tried to endure as much as I could. So I lowered my head to eat without saying a word and finally finished the uneasy meal. After a while, my stomach felt upset. It turned out that an egg-shaped lump bulged out from my belly after I tried so hard to hold my temper.

The younger practitioner felt very sorry for the innocent fellow practitioner who had been framed and arrested. He continued to talk pessimistically, without righteous thoughts. Before we departed, I comforted him and said, “Everything is arranged by Master. Consider the problem based on the Fa, and maintain stronger righteous thoughts.” He nodded sincerely.

On the way home, I was puzzled and asked another practitioner why everyone accommodated him so much. She replied, “He was very worried about the fellow practitioner receiving such a severe sentence, so he acted up. In fact, he has many strengths. He has communicated well with the lawyer that we asked to handle the case. Before each meeting with the lawyer, he always prepared until midnight.” I admired her tolerance and kind understanding, and thought I should improve my xinxing.

The next time I saw the younger practitioner, he communicated very well with the lawyer. His language was to the point, just as a Dafa disciple should act, and the lawyer respected him. I no longer thought poorly of him after seeing his pure heart in helping his fellow practitioner in detention.

I believe that his prior bad behavior was to help me become a better practitioner. Master saw my wish to improve my moral character by removing any notions and disposition that deviated from the Fa. So Master used this experience to expose my shortcomings so I could cultivate and eliminate them. Master will remove the bad substances from me after I elevate my character.

Lesson Learned from Attending Fa Study 

Another lesson happened in my Fa-study group, which was formed in 2006. Many practitioners have steadily validated the Fa and clarified the facts about Dafa to people. We looked inward upon encountering problems, and thus, many issues that came up were resolved quickly. However, one practitioner became obsessed with ordinary people’s novels and gradually stopped coming to Fa study. After relaxing her cultivation, the old forces persecuted her, so she began to show serious illness symptoms. Many practitioners were worried about her. We often went to study the Fa with her and encouraged her to come back to the group study. 

Three or four years later, her physical condition improved greatly, and she had basically recovered. However, she still did not take cultivation seriously. Over time, I lost confidence in her due to her poor cultivation state. My notion made me develop prejudice against her.

One time I was supposed to pick her up, and then pick up two other practitioners. I was on time and sat in the car to wait for her. In the past, she tended to be a few minutes late, but 15 minutes had passed. I hurried upstairs and rang her doorbell. She answered the door and said, “I forgot. Give me a few minutes to change.” Although I did not say anything, she could tell from my face that I was unhappy. We did not say a word to each other in the car as we went to pick up the other practitioners, who had been waiting for a while. We arrived at our destination and completed our Dafa work despite our problems.

A few days later, she said something that I disagreed with in a group discussion. I was disturbed by her comments, which in my opinion were not in accordance with the Fa. So I got up and left the Fa-study to avoid saying anything inappropriate.

After I returned home, I kept thinking about this practitioner’s shortcomings, and how her outrageous behavior was beyond my limit of tolerance. I was preoccupied with the unpleasant feeling and felt uncomfortable for a few days. However, I recalled that she and I used to work together smoothly for many years. I knew I should study the Fa well, and look inward to resolve the issues.

I kept looking inward and found deficiencies in several areas, including my emotions for her as a fellow practitioner. I was lacking the compassion to understand and tolerate her. I paid more attention to my feelings and standards without recognizing that she was still facing difficulties and needed our help. Finally, in a group study, the following passage from the Fa enlightened me. My dissatisfaction with this practitioner dissipated, and I felt very relaxed.

Master said:

“Don’t be unwilling to work with other students when there are conflicts or differences of opinion. Keep in mind that all of you have been through that state, and from time to time each person may experience that state. You should forgive others and be understanding of others, and you should help each other. To be able to work together and do well the things that Dafa disciples do to validate the Fa—now that’s what you should do.”(“Fa Teaching Given at the 2004 Western U.S. Fa Conference,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume V)

After I improved my understanding, things began to get better. She was in good spirits and waited for me downstairs at our next appointment. We had endless talks in the car, as we did in the past.

From this experience, I realized that when I encounter difficulties and conflicts, I should carefully consider the issues and behave like a cultivator. I should study the Fa diligently, and look inward unconditionally. Afterward, Master will reveal the Fa principles that I need to know. I should continue to practice cultivation solidly and improve myself so I may assimilate to the Fa.