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Master Helps Me Face a Tribulation

June 30, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am a 75-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner who began Falun Dafa cultivation practice in 1997. I have since followed Master Li Hongzhi’s teachings, studied the Fa, done the exercises, sent forth righteous thoughts, and clarified the truth about Dafa every day.

With Master’s protection, I have passed many obstacles in my cultivation.

The COVID pandemic was severe in the winter of 2022. With the markets closed, vendors had to offer their produce on the sides of the roads.

One day, I went to the market on my electric bike. The roads were congested with vehicles and people. There was a sedan parked on the right side of the road, and on the left was a truck, leaving only the width of about one meter for traffic.

As I was riding along this narrow pathway, a young man opened his car door. It slammed in my handlebars, and I lost my balance. My upper body fell against the side of a truck while my legs were still on the bike. My head went blank for a moment, then I found my footing. I had severe pain under my left rib, and I began sending righteous thoughts. I wanted to clarify the truth to the young man but people behind me forced me to move forward. The young man asked, “Ma'am, are you okay?” “I'm alright” I replied.

I thought, “How dangerous, I can’t imagine what this would be like without Master’s protection.” Feeling grateful, I silently thanked Master. My left rib no longer hurt much. I continued to clarify the truth to people at the market, after which several people quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations.

When I went home to cook dinner, I told my husband (also a Dafa practitioner) about the incident. Looking inward, I quickly found my loophole. I watched too much television (TV) lately and lost my focus.

The next day, because my left rib hurt badly, I could not use any muscles in the area, and even turning in bed was becoming difficult. My son noticed my discomfort. He insisted that I go to the hospital, but I refused. He went to consult a doctor who told him that orthopedic injuries like mine take more than three months to fully recover. “Impossible,” I said, “I am not an ordinary person, I have Master’s protection, I will be well soon.”

My son brought me some heating pads which helped in the beginning. But later the pain got worse as I used them more often. I realized this was because I was using ordinary people’s strategies, and it is dangerous for a cultivator to mix in ordinary people’s ways of doing things. So instead, I strengthen my righteous thoughts and did the exercises. I endured the pain and did half an hour of the “Falun Standing Stance.” I also still went out to clarify the truth every day, as it is something I must do.

I got much better by the Chinese lunar new year. I usually do 30 minutes of Falun Standing Stance, but for some reason the music lasted for one hour one morning. I realized it was time for me to improve my xinxing. Since then, I have been doing 60 minutes of the Falun Standing Stance. The pain disappeared and I have recovered. Thank you, Master!

Master endured so much for his disciples! Thank you, Master! I still have much to improve and am far from meeting the expectations of Dafa. I am determined to eliminate all of my attachments and do the three things well.