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Germany: Introducing Falun Dafa Near the Rhine River

June 26, 2023 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner in Germany

(Minghui.org) Practitioners held an information day event at Rüdesheim Market Square on June 17, 2023, to introduce Falun Dafa to tourists and local residents, and tell them about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution.

Located near the Rhine River, Rüdesheim is the starting point of the Rhine Gorge, which is a UNESCO world heritage site. Famous for its grapes and picturesque scenery, it attracts visitors from all over the world.

Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises and collected signatures on a petition at Rüdesheim Market Square on June 17, 2023. People signed the petition to end the persecution.

Tourists sign the petition to end the persecution.

The information booth had just been set up when a middle-aged couple who were carrying mountain climbing gear, stopped in front of the banner that described the CCP’s crime of harvesting practitioners’ organs while they are still alive and carefully read it. A practitioner explained to them about the CCP’s persecution. The lady took the materials and read them. When the gentleman learned that there was a petition, he immediately said, “I want to sign it.” Both of them signed the petition calling for an end to the CCP’s persecution.

Simone, who works at a university, brought her mother and daughter to Rüdesheim for a holiday. Seeing the information booth, Simone said, “Very good. I am very happy to see your event here.” When practitioners told her they uphold the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, she said, “I totally support this!”

Simone explained that she and her mother lived through the inhumane domination of the Communist Party during the Deutsche Demokrastische Republik period so they are confident that the CCP will also end one day. She said, “I hope that the Chinese people who are suppressed can have courage and unite together to oppose the persecution. Although there is great danger, it is very worth it. Everyone has already seen the end of the Deutsche Demokrastische Republik.” All three women signed the petition to support Falun Dafa practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution.

An elderly Ukrainian couple learned about the persecution that Falun Dafa practitioners face in China, including having their organs harvested while they are alive. They immediately signed the petition. One said, “We support you very much. We wish your event a great success.”

Tourists Learn the Falun Dafa Exercises

A nearby bench shaded by trees became a good spot for tourists to rest. The graceful and soothing exercise music attracted people’s attention.

A lady from Ireland learned the Falun Dafa exercises.

An Irish lady saw the practitioners doing the meditation exercise and she imitated their hand movements while they meditated. A practitioner introduced Falun Dafa to her in English and taught her the movements for the five sets of exercises. Before taking her leave, the lady kept thanking the practitioner, saying, “Your brilliant smile made me feel very good. Thank you for your patience, and for spending so much time teaching me. I will definitely look up your website to learn the exercises when I get home.”

Navila is very happy to be able to learn about Falun Dafa.

Navila lives and works in town. She was curious and stopped to watch practitioners as they did the exercises. Upon learning that practicing Falun Dafa can benefit one’s mind and body, she was very happy and said, “That is great! Why shouldn’t people practice it? It looks very quiet and calming.”

A German couple from Frankfurt talked to a practitioner. The lady told the practitioner that she went through surgery on her left knee last month so her legs still could not bend. She cannot even sit down on a bench. The practitioner told her that Falun Dafa is very beneficial to one’s mind and body and there is free information about it online, such as the Dafa books, exercise music, and video that teaches the exercises. The couple was very interested and asked for the location of the practice site in Frankfurt. They happily took the flier that introduces Falun Dafa.