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Striving to Diligently Cultivate Myself and Do the Three Things Well

June 24, 2023 |   By Ou Jin, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Sichuan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I’m an 86-year-old retired government official. On June 4, 1993, I had the honor to attend the second series of Master Li Hongzhi’s Fa lectures in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province. On May 28, 1994, I went to Master’s Fa lectures in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. And in the second half of 1994, I was again fortunate to participate in his Fa lectures in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province which was the last one he gave in China. After that, Master went abroad to teach the Fa. 

At first, I sought to learn Falun Dafa with the purpose of curing my illnesses and staying healthy. This is because prior to practicing Dafa, I suffered from tachycardia, headaches, presbyopia, and eye floaters for many years. I received a lot of medical treatments, but my conditions did not improve. I was living in pain all the time.

On the first day of the lectures in 1993, everyone was shocked by Master’s compassion and kindness. He taught us the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the higher laws of the universe. I had never heard about such profound principles, and it was so inspiring that my intentions of healing illnesses and being healthy changed into cultivating to return to my true self. In the days that followed, the more I listened, the more I wanted to hear. Before the series ended, I began to look for where Master would teach next. After listening to Master’s lectures three times, my outlook on life and the world had completely changed. All the diseases I had were cured without any medicine.

I witnessed how our great Master, with his boundless compassion, saved sentient beings and spread the great Fa of the universe from the east to the west. I realized how fortunate I am to be one of His disciples! From then on, I have been walking on a divine path.

The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance have been deeply imprinted in my heart. Master has protected and enlightened me on every step I’ve taken in cultivation. I cannot express my gratitude to Master with words. All I can do is to diligently cultivate myself and do the three things well.

Studying the Fa, Cultivating Xinxing, and Doing the Three Things Well

Master said: 

“You must study the Fa well, for that is the fundamental guarantee that you return to your position. (Disciples applaud) This isn’t just something that I casually thought up: what Master is imparting to you is the Fa of the cosmos.” (“Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume XI )

Every morning, I go to the vegetable market to clarify the truth and distribute informational brochures for saving people. I study at least one lecture of Zhuan Falun every day, as well as Master’s other lectures. I have hand-copied Zhuan Falun as well as Master’s poems from Hong Yin to Hong Yin VI. I have persisted in studying, copying, and memorizing the Fa year round so that I can assimilate to Dafa’s principles as quickly as possible.

I go to sleep after sending forth righteous thoughts at midnight every night. I then get up at 3 a.m. and do all five sets of the exercises. I have been doing this for over a decade. Sometimes, when I didn’t do well in sending forth righteous thoughts at the early morning time, I would look inward to see where my problems were and rectify myself according to Dafa.

In order to study the Fa better, fellow practitioners helped me get e-books of different sizes. I used the large ones in our group Fa study and carried the small ones with me at all times, so I could read and memorize the Fa while waiting for or riding a bus. Only when we study the Fa well can we have righteous thoughts and actions. And only when we have strong righteous thoughts can we do better in saving people.

Using Various Forms to Clarify the Truth 

I tried to actively learn and participate in any projects that can help save people, such as making phone calls, sending text messages, writing letters, clarifying the truth face to face, etc. I learned to do all of these with Master’s help.

I have been writing truth-clarification letters persistently for over a decade. At first, I cooperated with fellow practitioners and was able to write 60 letters a week. Currently, I’m writing and sending out 40 letters a week. I have never accepted any funding from others. When I have outdated Minghui calendars, I cut out and edit the truth-clarification information from the pages and mail it out along with my letters.

Using Paper Currency with Dafa Messages to Save People 

Using paper currency written with Dafa truth-clarification messages is a project approved by Master. Every bill is a powerful Fa weapon that helps Dafa practitioners to disintegrate the evil factors and save people from danger. I have been persistently using paper currency to save people. Whoever understands the messages on them will be saved. Sometimes, when I meet people asking for money on the street, I will give them a bill and help them understand what’s written on it.

I was once traveling with a fellow practitioner and wanted to clarify the truth to the driver of a sightseeing bus. But the bus was overcrowded, and I wasn’t able to do it. But I did manage to give him a bill. After reading it, he was very grateful.

Following the Standard of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

Whenever I encountered someone who tried to offer me a bribe, I always followed the requirements of a Dafa cultivator and refused all bribes. I also clarified the truth to them when there were opportunities to do so.

While buying vegetables, I would not bargain or be picky but tried to clarify the truth to the vendors when there weren’t too many people around. Once, when buying vegetables from a vendor, I paid for the vegetables and was about to leave. But the vendor claimed that I didn’t pay. The other people around all confirmed that I did pay, but the vendor refused to admit it. I then remembered Master’s teaching about “Loss and Gain.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun) So I just paid him again without arguing. I was very calm and regarded it as a test of my xinxing.

Fellow practitioners work hard to make various truth-clarification materials to save people. It is a very difficult job to produce materials, and it costs a lot of money. So I always try to provide financial support to them whenever I can. When there are practitioners who get arrested and need money to hire lawyers, I also take the initiative to contribute.

Eliminating Ordinary People’s Attachments

I know that I must cherish the new life that Master has given me, cultivate diligently, firmly follow my cultivation path, look inward unconditionally when encountering problems, fulfill what Master wants, and study the Fa well. For over a decade, I insisted on not watching any T.V. 

When I saw the notice on Minghui.org about not using WeChat, I thought since I’m Master’s disciple, I must follow His Fa-rectification process unconditionally. So I was determined to delete the App. I had used WeChat for many years and wasted a lot of valuable time on it. I felt I had let Master down in that regard.

My daughter helped me delete WeChat. That same day, I went to the kitchen to make dinner and suddenly saw a beam of golden light shooting through the window. I thought it was lightning. But when I looked outside, there was no thunder or lightning. As soon as I got back to the stove, the second beam of golden light shot into the kitchen. I then thought the stove had ignited, so I quickly turned off the gas. Just then, the third beam of golden light shot in, and I realized that it was Master encouraging me. I pressed my palms together and thanked Master.

Hosting a Group Fa Study for 15 Years

Despite the brutal persecution, we still have group Fa study regularly, mainly at my home. Fellow practitioners all agreed on the importance of group Fa study, as it is much more difficult to stay diligent when cultivating at home alone. Having a group study also gives everyone a chance to pick up truth-clarification materials, as well as share experiences with one another. We all cherish our Fa study group very much.

Another practitioner from our Fa study group established a material production site and has been providing us with truth-clarification brochures and copies of Minghui Weekly for over 10 years. She does not have a high-paying job, yet she has been selflessly producing materials with her own money. 

Learning to Use Computers at the Age of 86

I wanted to learn to use computers many times in the past, but I was always hindered by my notion that I was too old to learn. Recently, I read an article in Minghui Weekly that encouraged all practitioners to learn to use computers, and it inspired me. I then completely changed my human notions and decided to acquire those skills.

I first asked my daughter if she thought I could do it. She said of course. I then told the technical support practitioner about my desire to learn computers. He was also very supportive, quickly helped me buy a computer and install the system, and taught me step by step. With the selfless help of several fellow practitioners, I learned the basic operational skills within a week and was able to download Minghui experience-sharing articles.

It is so great to be able to use computers. I can freely surf the Internet and read articles written by fellow practitioners. I was only able to do this because of the wisdom given to me by Master. I’m very grateful for his blessing, as well as fellow practitioners’ selfless dedication, and my family’s full support.

Clarifying the Truth to Family Members 

After I began to practice Dafa, I tried to follow its high standards at all times and treated my family members as sentient beings to be saved. I always thought of them first in everything and showed them the beauty of Dafa. My whole family understands the truth about the persecution, and everyone is very supportive of my cultivation. 

When my daughters asked me to help take care of my grandchildren, I did so without complaint and did not miss a beat on doing the three things. All my children and grandchildren are kind, and they all agree that “Falun Dafa is good! and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” Even though they do not practice cultivation, they all follow Dafa’s principles to become good people. They have also withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party organizations.

Despite the persecution, I’ve received great support from my daughters, sons-in-law, and grandchildren. This is one of the reasons I was able to safely make it through all these years. I’m very grateful to them!

I will be 87 years old in three months. I am free of illnesses, and my hearing and vision are great. My health is better now than when I was 50. Not only do I not need my children to take care of me, but I can also do housework. I’m no longer tempted by fame, fortune, or sentimentality, and regular people’s troubles have all stayed far away from me.

My life and cultivation path is given by Master. I only follow his arrangements, and I do not want anything else. As a Dafa disciple, I do everything to validate the Fa, save sentient beings, and fulfill what Master wants. In assisting Master to rectify the Fa, no matter how many hardships and tribulations are ahead, I will firmly cultivate to the end and never waver in my righteous belief in Master and Dafa.

Despite the fact that I’m quite busy, I feel full of joy regardless of the tribulations I encounter. Only when we unconditionally look inward and cultivate our xinxing can we become more and more pure, compassionate, and calm. The evil factors are so insignificant, and I no longer think too much of them. I’m a Dafa disciple in the Fa-rectification period! Even if I have some shortcomings, I will only allow Master to arrange everything. 

In the limited time that’s left, I will firmly remember Master’s teachings, do the three things better, and become a truly qualified Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple.

My whole family is blessed. Dafa has given me everything, and I am so grateful to Master!

This is just my personal understanding. If anything is inappropriate, please kindly point it out.