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Montreal, Canada: Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Provides Inspiration

June 23, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Montreal

(Minghui.org) A Falun Dafa cultivation experience-sharing conference was held in Montreal, Canada on June 18, 2023. Twelve practitioners talked about their experiences in improving themselves in their daily lives and when working on Dafa-related projects, how they focused on reading the Falun Dafa teachings and improving their minds, and how they improved their cultivation according to Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. 

Falun Dafa cultivation experience-sharing conference in Montreal, June 18, 2023

Practitioners talk about their experiences at the Montreal conference.

Looking Within Helps Resolve Financial Crisis

Ms. Trang, a Vietnamese practitioner, started practicing Falun Dafa in March 2021. Her family moved to Montreal from Paris last June. Not long after the promotion of Shen Yun began, her husband lost his job. Faced with the pressure of a mortgage, their son’s expensive private school tuition, and daily expenses, Ms. Trang felt that she should not be afraid or have negative thoughts about selling their house or car, even though the house was needed to host the Art of Zhen Shan Ren (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance) Exhibition and the car was used to distribute Shen Yun flyers. However, she wondered why this happened. 

By looking inward, she realized that she and her husband frequently discussed financial issues. In her heart, she felt resentment toward her husband, thinking that he could not earn enough money for his family. She also noted that she was lazy and jealous, and did not take hardship as joy like a true practitioner.

After recognizing these bad thoughts and correcting her thinking, the situation abruptly changed. Her husband told her that he received unemployment benefits from the government, and his permanent resident application was approved. Since he was not a permanent resident when he bought the house, and his status changed, the deposit he paid the bank could also be unfrozen.

Overcoming Difficulties

Ms. Liu from Quebec City said that after the COVID pandemic, when local practitioners resumed in-person group Fa study, they encountered many difficulties. She and the other practitioners live far apart. Transportation to the home of the practitioner where group Fa study was held before the pandemic was inconvenient. Some practitioners suggested renting a classroom or a meeting room in a community center instead. It was also difficult for everyone to agree on a time to meet.

While they discussed the challenges Ms. Liu realized that face-to-face group Fa-study is a form of cultivation that Master Li (Falun Dafa’s founder) left for practitioners. She said if she did not want to meet in person and read the Fa, whether it was due to laziness or prejudice against fellow practitioners, it was wrong, and she should repel such a mentality with righteous thoughts.

In the end, everyone overcame various difficulties and resumed the weekly in-person group meeting. She said that with everyone getting together in person, it laid a good foundation for the promotion of Shen Yun this year.

Eliminating the Attachment to Ego

Mr. Hong, who works as a part-time reporter for a practitioner-run media, talked about how he eliminated the attachment to ego. He writes news for a website that exposes the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) crimes and inspires kindness in readers. His skills improved quickly, his work was recognized, and he was rated an outstanding employee. The praise moved his heart. He began feeling drowsy when he meditated. He began falling asleep, and couldn’t break through for a long time.

He realized that this was due to his attachment to fame. So he increased the length of time he read the Fa and listened to practitioners’ sharing on Minghui Radio. After a lot of hard work, one morning, he felt particularly good while meditating, and he experienced true tranquility. He realized that the lingering desire to seek fame led to the tribulation. With Master’s guidance and inspired by fellow practitioners’ sharing, Mr. Hong was gradually able to distinguish and reject bad thoughts and found his true self.

Believing in Master Li and the Fa

Marie Helene from Quebec City shared the extraordinary resilience she gained from practicing Falun Dafa in the past two years, and the miracle that manifested in her son.

In November 2021, her newborn son was rushed to the hospital unconscious. His heart could have stopped beating at any time. Sudden despair caused Marie Helene to collapse. But a thought told her: Meditate and don’t think about anything. During the meditation, she got rid of her intense fear and felt indescribable peace and tranquility. Then, she concentrated on reading Zhuan Falun, and she realized that she had to let go of her attachment and follow Master Li’s arrangement. That night, the child’s situation changed drastically. Five days later, he made a full recovery.

In August 2022, her son was taken to the hospital again, diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, and underwent six months of treatment. Marie Helene studied the Fa every day, and as her endurance increased, her will became stronger every day. The child also came back from the brink of death again and again. He was unaffected, and developed well, which surprised the doctors.

One doctor, after reviewing the child’s file, said, “Wow, your son is amazing! I can’t believe he’s doing so well after everything he’s been through.”

Participants Benefit

Many practitioners who attended the conference said they were deeply moved after listening to the other practitioners’ experiences. Josee from St-Eustache said, “I can see myself in each practitioner’s sharing. Each one is important and will help me in the days to come. I also have to look inward to see my own cultivation state.”

Ms. Song from Montreal said, “Many of the difficulties encountered by fellow practitioners resonate with me and inspire me. Seeing them working hard to improve themselves and helping Master in the Fa-rectification, I feel encouraged and have more righteous thoughts. I will do better.”