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A Reckless Man Gets a Second Life After Practicing Falun Dafa

June 2, 2023 |   By Baishun, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) There is a saying that a leopard can’t change its spots. However, practicing Falun Dafa changed my nature.

Twenty years ago, I was a man that the villagers tried to avoid. I had a short temper and would do anything for a bit of gain. I often swore at and beat my wife at home and fought with the young men in the village. I once almost killed a man by cutting his neck with a shovel.

I piled up a lot of bad karma from doing bad deeds, and my health quickly declined. My complexion looked yellowish, I frequently fainted, and had a low platelet count.

My wife had to do both the housework and work in the fields. She took care of three young children while I played card games all day long.

Falun Dafa was introduced to our village when my family was on the verge of breaking apart. I started practicing Falun Dafa with the idea of curing my diseases and keeping fit. However, Falun Dafa is so miraculous that within a few days of practicing, my body changed dramatically. I could eat and sleep well, and I lost the desire to drink alcohol and smoke. My body was getting stronger. I could and wanted to do more work, my temper improved, and the swearing and crying in my home stopped.

The whole family was very happy. My wife often told people “Falun Dafa is good.”

But after the persecution started in 1999, I was arrested and jailed for four years for practicing Falun Dafa. I acted according to the standard of a Dafa practitioner while in prison. The prison guards held me in high regard and told the inmates to learn from me. I once vomited blood while imprisoned. The guards wanted me to see a doctor. I thanked them, but declined their offer by telling them that Falun Dafa would cure me. I became well in a short time and the guards witnessed the extraordinary power of Falun Dafa.

My wife handed me the book Zhuan Falun that she had kept safely for years when I was released. I was very moved that she had continued to support me after suffering all these years. She said, “No matter what the situation is, I will always say Dafa is good. I understand you very well. What you did was right. It is all the fault of the evil Party. You should cultivate diligently. I will always support you.”

I established a team to do contract construction jobs. I am over 60 years old this year, but I am as strong as the young men on my team. I strictly adhere to acting in accordance with the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and am always considerate of and always kind to others. Our team has a good reputation for consistently high quality.

I have been in charge of managing and maintaining the water wells of the village for many years. The villagers trust me and know that Falun Gong practitioners are good people, who are fair and honest. This year, because I was busy with other contract work, I proposed to let someone else manage the wells. People disagreed and said that I should take care of them, so I had no choice but to accept the job. I know this is the villagers showing their trust in me, and it is their recognition of Dafa.