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Canada: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at the Guelph & District Multicultural Festival

June 17, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Toronto, Canada

(Minghui.org) The 37th Guelph and District Multicultural Festival was held in Guelph, a city in Southwestern Ontario, from June 9 to 11, 2023. This is a family event that features cultural performances from different ethnic groups as well as activities for children.

The Falun Dafa booth drew spectators, as the practitioners demonstrated the calming exercises. Many residents left their contact information, asking to be informed of future Falun Dafa activities. Handmade paper lotus flowers were also particularly popular by the visitors at the booth. As evening approached, young Falun Dafa practitioners went on stage to perform a traditional Chinese fairy maiden dance as the opening performance. This was followed by a demonstration of all five sets of Falun Dafa exercises. 

Residents from surrounding areas and tourists were introduced to Falun Dafa at the Guelph and District Multicultural Festival.

Young practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises outside the Dafa booth.

Young practitioners performed Chinese classical dance on the stage.

Practitioners demonstrated the exercises on stage.

I Agree with the Cultivation Principles of Falun Dafa – Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance

Kristin and her husband stopped at the Falun Dafa booth. They had moved to Guelph from Ottawa a few years ago. Kristin learned qigong as well as Taichi in Ottawa. A practitioner told her Falun Dafa is not only about health and fitness. It is a cultivation way that lifts one’s spiritual realm.

Kristin and her husband said people should pay attention to the Dafa principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

After listening to the practitioner’s introduction of Falun Dafa, Kristin said, “I love exploring topics on spirituality and cultivation. It is important for me to achieve a balance when it comes to physical, mental, and spiritual health. When I go home, I will go online and sign up for the Falun Dafa classes. I feel that the cultivation principles of Falun Dafa – Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, are important principles. These are values people should pay attention to. Now, people have become egoistic – they are no longer truthful, kind, and tolerant. We need to be kind, considerate and understanding of the suffering of others.”

She said after a practitioner informed her of the persecution of Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) in China: “Living in a free country, I don’t have to worry about my personal safety for handing out fliers or saying anything. Yet, I can imagine and understand how terrible this persecution in China is. I feel sad for the suffering of Falun Gong practitioners and their family. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to be evil.”

Feeling a Peaceful Energy

Kathryn lives in Mississauga, a city west of Toronto. She had to drive for an hour to attend the festival. When she passed by practitioners’ calming exercises she stopped and approached the Falun Dafa booth.

Kathryn (first right) was taught the third set of Falun Dafa exercises by a practitioner.

A practitioner clarified the facts of Falun Dafa. She said, “I learned yoga, Tai Chi, and judo some time ago. Now, I want to improve my concentration through meditating. I came over when I saw practitioners meditating.” She then learned the exercises. She said, “The woman who taught me the exercises looked very serene. She told me when doing the exercises, energy would flow in the body. Indeed, I felt a calming energy.”

However, she was shocked to hear about the CCP’s ongoing persecution: “Falun Gong practitioners are suppressed for simply doing exercises and meditating. This spiritual practice teaches people to be good, yet the regime regards it as a threat. The CCP is in the wrong. This suppression should not happen.”

Sooner or Later, the CCP Will Lose Power

Juan flipped through the Minghui International magazine at the Falun Dafa booth. When a practitioner started to tell him about the practice, he said, “I heard of the persecution on television. I saw your booth and wanted to ask what is Falun Gong about?”

Juan said he will go onto the Falun Dafa website to find out more information about the practice.

He sighed after listening to a practitioner’s introduction of Falun Gong: “The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance are great--everyone should follow these principles. A long time ago, I wanted to learn to meditate but it is always hard to start something. Now, I will go onto the website to find out more and get an understanding about the Falun Dafa cultivation. I truly don’t understand why the CCP is persecuting Falun Gong. Sooner or later, the regime will lose power.”

Falun Gong Practitioners Are Kind

Barb said to the practitioner who introduced her to Falun Dafa: “My coworker is a Falun Dafa practitioner. She is friendly and kind. She told me about Falun Dafa. I think it is excellent. Meditation is good for physical health. At the same time, it improves mental health as well. Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance can make one a better person.”

Barb (woman in the pink sweater) learned the exercises at the multicultural festival. She said that watching the exercises relaxed her.

She then learned the exercises from a practitioner. She said, “I enjoyed the exercises, I must do it more often! It will be good for my health and relaxes me. Now, the pressures from society and environment are huge. Doing the exercises will help me relieve stress.”

I Felt the Change Internally from Doing the Exercises

Chris is a local resident of Guelph. She works in an office. She learned the exercises after a practitioner introduced her to Falun Dafa. She said, “This is the first time I heard of Falun Dafa. When I passed by, I saw practitioners doing the exercises. I was instantly drawn to their peaceful, relaxed state. It comes from within, I can feel it. Although I only learned the exercises for a short while, I feel calm and more stable. I felt the change internally from doing the exercises.”

Chris (left) said she felt the changes taking place within her.

Chris learned that Falun Dafa teaches one to follow and cultivate based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

She said, “One has to follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. I think this is the source of energy. I can feel it inside my body. Kindness can relieve one’s stubborn thoughts and stress. When you are at peace, the world becomes a better place.” 

She left her contact details so that practitioners could inform her of future events, which she could attend.