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Practitioners and Supporters of Falun Dafa in China Thank Master Li for His Blessings

May 14, 2023

(Minghui.org) May 13, 2023, marked the 31st year since Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, first introduced the practice to the public in 1992. This special day is also the 24th World Falun Dafa Day and Master Li’s 72nd birthday.

On this special occasion, many practitioners and supporters of Falun Dafa in China have sent in their greetings to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Master’s birthday. They also thanked Master for his blessings. Many of these practitioners have had dangers averted or their health restored simply by reciting “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

“We long for Master’s return to China and we want to learn Falun Dafa, too!”

A resident of Zhucheng City, Shandong Province wrote, “In June 2014, I had to have an emergency C-section, more than one month before my due date. Another patient in the same hospital ward delivered her baby prematurely and the baby was still in the incubator after four or five days. Her family was not allowed to touch or hold the baby. I became worried about my baby after seeing how depressed her family was. My husband and I couldn’t sleep the night before my surgery. Then we thought about the phrases ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ and we kept reciting the phrases until we fell asleep. The next day, the surgery was successful and I delivered a healthy baby boy. 

“We long for Master’s return to China and we want to learn Falun Dafa, too!”

No One in My Apartment Complex Got Infected

An 81-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province wrote, “Master is my savior. He not only gave me good health, but also changed my appearance for the better. I go out every day to talk to people about Falun Dafa. My neighbors in my apartment complex envy me for being so energetic at my age. I never hesitate to help anyone in need. When I urge them to quit the Chinese Communist Party and its two youth organizations, they are very receptive to what I say. 

“No one in my apartment complex got infected last year when the pandemic was at its peak. Some of them called out ‘Falun Dafa is good,’ and ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ whenever they saw me, and I reminded them to never forget that Master protected us from the virus.”

Missing Son Found

A resident of Siping City, Jilin Province wrote, “I grew up watching my mother practice Falun Dafa. Even though I never took up the practice myself, I always knew that Falun Dafa is good. When I was still a child, my mother and I once needed to take a train. At the train station, we saw the railway police place Master’s portraits on the ground and order passengers to step on them. I rushed over to pick up all the portraits and called out to my mother, ‘Mom, Master’s portraits!’ The police scolded us and confiscated our train tickets. They also ordered us to curse at Master. My mother snatched the train tickets back and said, ‘Why should we curse at people? We’re going to be late for our train!’ We then left.

“Looking back, my act of saving Master’s portraits may be the reason that I was always able to make a good income no matter what businesses I was in after I grew up. I know it is blessings from Master and I thank Master for his protection.

“Once, I gave a colon cancer patient an amulet with the phrases ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ I told her to recite the phrases and her cancer was found to have disappeared when she had another checkup the next day. 

“My son went missing and I begged Master to help find him. Then, an elderly couple found my son and brought him back to me. I believe that Master blessed me for my act of sharing the truth with the cancer patient.”

Master Saved My Son’s Family

A Falun Dafa practitioner in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province wrote, “Last year my daughter-in-law, who was six months pregnant with her second child, needed to go out of town for an ultrasound. Before getting on the highway, she felt the fetus kicking hard so she asked my son to pull over to the roadside. After she felt better, they kept driving. But the baby kicked again not long after and they had to stop again to take a rest. When they were ready to drive again, the car wouldn’t start. My son called a repair shop and a mechanic soon arrived. The mechanic said that a key part in the engine broke and that the consequences would have been grave if my son had been driving on the highway at a higher speed. The mechanic towed the car and my son found another car to drive to the ultrasound appointment.

“My son told me about what happened and said, ‘This [unborn] child was really smart. If he didn’t kick hard, we’d have driven on the highway and may have had major trouble when the car broke down.’ I reminded him that it was actually compassionate Master that used his son to alert them to the possible danger and thus saved the three of them. He concurred.”

Two People Missed Their Bus and Survived

Two residents of Bazhong City, Sichuan Province wrote, “We quit the Chinese Communist Party and its two youth organizations. We also often recited ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ One time, we slept in and missed our bus. It turned out to be a blessing, as the bus later was in a severe accident and everyone on the bus died.”

Man Supports Parents’ Practice of Falun Dafa

A resident of Sichuan Province wrote, “My parents are both steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners. I’ve witnessed how Dafa restored their health and changed them for the better. After the persecution of Falun Dafa began in 1999, my parents were forced to live away from home to avoid being arrested. I was still a vocational school student at the time, yet I tried my best to protect my parents’ Dafa books. My parents’ workplaces often sent people to harass and threaten me at school. They said I would not land a good job if I didn’t turn my parents in. I was not intimidated. After I graduated, I found a good job and was later promoted to a mid-level manager. 

“Whenever I found truth-clarification materials on the ground, I knew people had tossed them there and always picked them up. 

“I was in charge of construction at work and the nature of the job entailed many dangers. Every time my construction projects were facing danger, I recited ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ and soon the danger disappeared.

“In order to thank Dafa, I twice gave my parents several thousands yuan for them to pass to other practitioners to make truth-clarification materials.

“I thank Dafa for giving me so many blessings!”

Elderly Man Recovers from Accident

A resident of Zhucheng City, Shandong Province is almost 80 years old. He was riding his tricycle one day in 2014 when he lost control and fell into a ditch. His skull was fractured and he suffered a brain hemorrhage. He lost consciousness and was rushed to a hospital. The doctor said he was in critical condition but he soon recovered.

This man knew that he was blessed for supporting Falun Dafa. He often read truth-clarification materials and also passed them on to others to read.

Child’s Cancer Gone

A resident of Siping City, Jilin Province wrote, “My mother practices Falun Dafa and I know Falun Dafa is good even though I’m not a practitioner myself. My son was diagnosed with cancer and the doctor said he had less than one year to live. Both he and I kept reciting ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ His pain was gone and the tutor shrank. Now, almost one year has passed and the doctor said it’s no longer cancer. I know that Master has protected us!”

Husband and Daughter Both Benefit from Dafa

A resident of Anshan City, Liaoning Province wrote, “I began practicing Falun Dafa in 2012. Before that, I suffered from heart disease, insufficient blood supply to the brain, blurry vision, high blood pressure and other ailments. But all my symptoms were gone with my practice of Falun Dafa, and I have never needed to take any medication since. 

“Neither my husband nor my daughter practice Falun Dafa, but they have been blessed for supporting Dafa.

“My husband had a severe bone spur but he is now healthy. My daughter’s spine was severely deformed but she has now recovered. She was once found to have Hemangioma, which may result in infertility. But her symptoms were gone and she delivered a healthy baby boy, who is now 10 years old.”

Four-generation Family Thanks Falun Dafa

A Falun Dafa practitioner in Dandong City, Liaoning Province has a family spanning four generations and his great-grandson is pre-school age. His family members understand that Falun Dafa is good and that the persecution is wrong. 

His wife and daughter-in-law both had dangers averted. Master saved his son’s life on four occasions. 

This practitioner’s entire family stayed uninfected during the pandemic. His grandson was the only worker in his factory that did not test positive for COVID-19.

Mother and Son Both Fine Thanks to Dafa

A Falun Dafa practitioner in Mengyin County, Shandong Province wrote, “My 90-year-old mother was in critical condition on February 1, 2023. My sisters started to prepare for her funeral. I cried and begged my mother to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ She recited the phrases three times and recovered shortly afterwards. Her face also looked much younger and she is still healthy today.

“On April 24 this year, I fell to the cement ground from a three-meter-high ladder and my lower back landed on a hard wood plank. Thanks to Master, I, a man in his 50s and weighing around 180 pounds, did not suffer any injuries. There was not even a scrape or swelling.”

Dafa Practitioner’s Family Members Blessed

A Falun Dafa practitioner in Panjin City, Liaoning Province said her 94-year-old mother-in-law stayed uninfected in December 2022 when almost everyone around them caught the COVID-virus. The elderly woman remained healthy because she listened to Master’s audio lecture teachings every day.

This practitioner’s 84-year-old stepfather deflected the police’s harassment of her for practicing Falun Dafa. He was blessed and stayed uninfected during the pandemic. 

This practitioner’s younger sister caught the virus but she became better after starting to read Dafa books. Their mother also resumed Dafa cultivation.

Mother-in-law Recovers in One Day

A Falun Dafa practitioner in Zhucheng City, Shandong Province said that her 81-year-old mother-in-law fell ill and that no medical treatment seemed to help. The elderly woman then hired a witch to drive out the evil from her body, but to no avail.

This practitioner wrote, “My mother-in-law used to oppose my practice of Falun Dafa, but seeing her suffer so much, I again urged her to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ She was receptive this time and heeded my advice. That night, she told me she was fine and feeling comfortable everywhere in her body. She was very excited that reciting the Dafa phrases indeed worked! She also wished Master Li a Happy Birthday!”

Greetings from Others

Several other practitioners and supporters of Falun Dafa from the following regions also sent in their greetings:

Quyang County in Hebei ProvinceHeilongjiang ProvinceChangping District in BeijingJiujiang City in Jiangsu ProvinceNingxia ProvinceZhejiang Province