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Birthday Greetings to Falun Dafa’s Founder from Practitioners Incarcerated for Their Faith (20 Greetings)

May 14, 2023

(Minghui.org) On the special occasion of Falun Dafa’s 31st public introduction and Master Li Hongzhi’s 72nd birthday on May 13, 2022, Minghui.org has received a stream of greetings from practitioners around the world. Among them is a special group of practitioners--those who are currently incarcerated in Chinese detention centers or prisons for upholding their faith. Despite the information censorship, they still managed to get their messages out to express their gratitude for the practice and for Dafa’s founder.

Practitioners currently detained in Shandong Province Prison said, “No matter how evil the persecution is, we will always be steadfast in our belief in Falun Dafa.”

Greetings were received from practitioners incarcerated in the following places:

Shandong Woman’s PrisonHulan Prison, Heilongjiang ProvinceYunnan PrisonXinmi Prison, Henan ProvinceSuzhou Prison, Jiangsu ProvinceShanghaiBeijingTianjinChangchun City, Jilin ProvinceYunnan ProvinceShandong ProvinceShanxi ProvincePengzhou City, Sichuan ProvinceLanzhou City, Gansu ProvinceQinhuangdao City, Hebei ProvinceNingxia Autonomous Region