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Falun Dafa Practitioners in the New York Area Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Birthday and Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day

May 14, 2023

(Minghui.org) Practitioners in the New York area are celebrating World Falun Dafa Day and the 31st anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public. They respectfully wish revered Master a Happy Birthday! From young practitioners to elderly practitioners, all have vowed to be more diligent in cultivation, fulfill their historic vows, assist Master in Fa-rectification, and return back home with Master.

A group of practitioners from group practice site in Flushing, New York wrote, “May 13th marks the 31st anniversary since the public spread of Falun Dafa. It is also Master’s 72nd birthday! We are infinitely grateful to Master. Master has been protecting us in each step of our cultivation. In this joyous occasion of the heavens and earth, we will put our palms together, heshi, and thank Master for his compassionate salvation! Master, please rest assured. Regardless of how long and what awaits us in the future, we will walk hand-in-hand with Master. We will save more sentient beings and have righteous thoughts to repay all that Master has given us!”

A mother and daughter from New York wrote, “Master, you have worked hard! My daughter and I began cultivating Falun Dafa in 1996. We are infinitely grateful for Master’s compassionate salvation and protection! We will make use of the remaining time and follow in Master’s footsteps in Fa-rectification!”

A family three practitioners from Beijing living in New York wrote, “Great and magnificent Master Happy Birthday! Happy World Falun Dafa Day! We are a family of three from Beijing and wish Master a Happy Birthday! Amid this joyous occasion of heaven and earth, we will eliminate our attachments, assimilate to Dafa, follow Master in Fa-rectification, and save more sentient beings. Thank you Master for your boundless salvation! Thank you Master!”

A practitioner in New York wishes Master a Happy Birthday! “May 13th is Master’s birthday and this occasion is also the celebration of heaven and earth. I am infinitely grateful to Master’s compassionate salvation! Please accept my sincere greetings! Happy Birthday Master!”

“I was fortunate to have encountered Master late last year. Master walked past me and said what was on my mind. I met Master once again in March. I was abrupt in my actions and was apologetic while greeting Master. Master gently smiled in reply. I seemed to have felt that Master was treating me like an adorable yet reckless child. At that moment, I felt Master’s boundless care. I am only a tiny particle in the universe yet I have received the boundless care of Master! I am ever so fortunate!”

“I know Master’s infinite care for all practitioners deep inside my heart. This is the reason why we will not be weeded out and interfered with by the demons. Master has endured immense karma for us. We have no way to repay Master for his boundless salvation. I would like to express my boundless love for Master. Let us celebrate on this joyous occasion! Let us celebrate Master’s boundless compassion! Let us celebrate Dafa forever!”

Practitioners working in New York’s government organizations composed a poem:

Happy Birthday Master!
Master’s compassion encompasses the galaxy,
The long history is slowly unfolding.
Warm path lights directs the path of sentient beings,
No longer are they lost.
Find the life saving Fa boat to embark on.

A family of practitioners in Middletown, New York composed a poem:

Heavenly maiden scattering flowers
encompassing the full skies
No words to describe Master’s boundless grace
who fortified the spirits many vajras
Walking on the path of Fa rectification
Master protecting those with pure and righteous thoughts,
Being grateful, saving sentient beings and being diligently we must
Fulfilling historic mission,
spreading the truth of Dafa
and assisting Master in rebuilding New Cosmos
The truth will be revealed
Dafa is always exists
The universe remains forever

These well wishers hail from the following places:

Greetings to Master from practitioners from a group practice site in Flushing, New York.

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Flushing, New York.

Greetings from a practitioner from the media group in New York.

Greetings from a practitioner from a Dafa truth-clarification project in New York.

Greetings from a family of practitioners in New York.

Greetings from two young practitioners in New York.

Greetings from a family of cultivators in Orange County, New York.

Greetings from the Tian Guo Marching Band in New York.

Greetings from the construction team at Fei Tian College in Middletown, New York.

Greetings from six practitioners in Middletown, New York.

Greetings from a group practice and Fa study site in Middletown, New York.

Greetings from a Changchun City practitioner living in New York.

Greeting from practitioners in the Long Island area.

Greetings from a family of three in New York.

Greetings from a young practitioner in New York.

Greetings from practitioners in Albany, New York.

Greetings from young practitioners in New York.

Greetings from practitioners in upstate New York.

Greetings from practitioners in Middletown, New York.

Greetings from the practitioners working in the school cafeteria at Northern Academy of the Arts.

Greetings from an Irish young practitioner living in New York.

Greetings from Wuhan City practitioners living in Orange County, New York.

Greetings from Shijiazhuang City practitioners living in Orange County, New York.

Greetings from practitioners in Brooklyn, New York.

Greetings from two elderly practitioners in Flushing, New York.

Greetings from the truth-clarification group in front of Chinese consulate in New York.

Greetings from the lion dance group in New York.

Greetings from a pair of sisters in New York.

Greetings from a mother and daughter in New York.

Greetings from practitioners in New York.