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Additional Persecution News from China – March 9, 2023 (23 Reports)

March 21, 2023

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 22 cities or counties in 12 provinces, where at least 34 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Shandan County, Gansu Province] Mr. Zhou Junqi Faces Trial
2. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xu Lai Arrested
3. [Chongqing] Ms. Liu Shaoling and Her Husband Arrested
4. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Zhang Yujie Harassed
5. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zheng Liyan Harassed
6. [Hui County, Henan Province] Mr. Yang Jinhan Harassed
7. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhang Shumin Arrested
8. [Beijing] Ms. Deng Guiru Arrested and Detained
9. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Chen Guizhi Harassed
10. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Chen Shuiqing Arrested and Detained
11. [Xinyang City, Henan Province] Ms. Huang Dianqin Arrested
12. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wei Chunrong Arrested
13. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Three Practitioners Arrested
14. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Du Guiru and Niu Yumin Arrested
15. [Huaihua City, Hunan Province] Ms. Xiao Guiying Harassed
16. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Chen Xiuling Arrested and Detained
17. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Five Practitioners Arrested
18. [Nong'an County, Jilin Province] Mr. Jiang Zhanjun and His Wife Ms. Pan Shujun Persecuted
19. [Huanggang City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhang Naishi Arrested and Detained
20. [Nanchong City, Sichuan Province] Four Practitioners Face Trial
21. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Fan Meiling Detained
22. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Tang Qiongying Sentenced to Two Years in Prison
23. [Tianjin] Mr. Huang Liqiao Faces Trial

1. [Shandan County, Gansu Province] Mr. Zhou Junqi Faces Trial

Mr. Zhou Junqi, 59, from Shandan County, was arrested on May 8, 2022, when he distributed information about Falun Gong. The Ganzhou District Procuratorate recently submitted his case to the Ganzhou District Court.

2. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xu Lai Arrested

Ms. Xu Lai, in her 80s, from Qiaokou District, was reported to police for talking about Falun Gong in a farm market and was arrested by several police officers at around 9 a.m. on March 2, 2023. Her home was ransacked. The police confiscated a laptop, several Falun Gong books, a photo of Falun Gong’s founder, etc. Ms. Xu was placed in detention. Her family does not know where she is detained.

3. [Chongqing] Ms. Liu Shaoling and Her Husband Arrested

Ms. Liu Shaoling and her husband were arrested when they distributed truth clarifying materials in Jiangjin at the end of February 2023. They were taken to a detention house.

4. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Zhang Yujie Harassed

Zhang Yujie (gender unknown) was harassed at home by police officers in late February 2023. The police took some photos.

5. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zheng Liyan Harassed

Ms. Zheng Liyan was harassed at home by local police officers on March 4, 2023. The police photographed her and took samples of her saliva for DNA testing.

6. [Hui County, Henan Province] Mr. Yang Jinhan Harassed

Mr. Yang Jinhan was harassed at home by two officers, Liu Yang and Xiao Jia, from the Zhangcun Police Station at 10 a.m. on March 8, 2023. Even though they did not have a search warrant they searched his home.

7. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhang Shumin Arrested

Ms. Zhang Shumin, 52, from Yangming District, was arrested and taken to the Yangming Police Station at 9 a.m. on March 8, 2023. She refused to cooperate and was released later.

8. [Beijing] Ms. Deng Guiru Arrested and Detained

Ms. Deng Guiru was arrested on February 7, 2023, and has been detained since then.

9. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Chen Guizhi Harassed

Ms. Chen Guizhi’s daughter was pressured to help officers from the Dongjiang Police Station locate Ms. Chen Guizhi, They tried to photograph Ms. Chen, but she refused.

10. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Chen Shuiqing Arrested and Detained

Mr. Chen Shuiqing was arrested at home by twelve officers from the Haitian Police Station in the Chikan District on the evening of February 23, 2023. The police ransacked his home and confiscated several bags of personal belongings. Mr. Chen is currently held in the Zhonghe Detention Center.

11. [Xinyang City, Henan Province] Ms. Huang Dianqin Arrested

Ms. Huang Dianqin, 76, from Huangchuan County, was arrested near the community gate by two plainclothes officers at 5 p.m. on February 22, 2023. Her home was ransacked. Her Falun Gong books and two cell phones were confiscated. Ms. Huang was released that evening.

12. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wei Chunrong Arrested

Ms. Wei Chunrong lives in Chengyang District, Qigndao City. Her hometown is in Huanan County, Heilong Province. Ms. Wei has been harassed and sentenced to jail numerous times.

Ms. Wei was reported to the police for talking to people about Falun Gong and was arrested by officers from the Zhengyang Road Police Station on March 2, 2023.She is currently held in the Jimo Detention Center.

13. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

Three practitioners, Ms. Zhang Yufeng, Ms. Wang Enying and Ms. Zhang Xiuying, were arrested by officers from the Gaotie Police Station on the morning of March 7, 2023, when they distributed information about Falun Gong in the Lingbei Township Market. Their homes were ransacked. The practitioners were placed in detention on March 8, 2023.

14. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Du Guiru and Niu Yumin Arrested

Ms. Du Guiru was arrested by officers from the Jishu Police Station at 11 a.m. on March 4, 2023. She was placed under 15-day detention.

Niu Yumin (gender unknown) was arrested at Niu’s workplace on March 3, 2023, and detained for 15 days.

15. [Huaihua City, Hunan Province] Ms. Xiao Guiying Harassed

Ms. Xiao Guiying was harassed at home by Li Jun from the Zhongfang County Political and Legal Affairs Committee and officers from the Tuanjie Police Station in the Hecheng District at 1 p.m. on March 6, 2023. The police confiscated her truth clarifying materials and pressured Ms. Xiao to sign a guarantee statement. They threatened her with her son’s job.

16. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Chen Xiuling Arrested and Detained

Ms. Chen Xiuling from the Wenjia Community was arrested because she distributed truth-clarifying materials in a market. She is held in the Weifang City Detention Center. Ms. Chen Xiuling has previously been incarcerated in prison for nine years.

17. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Five Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Liu Yan was arrested at a home where truth-clarifying materials were being produced at 7 p.m. on February 24, 2023. The police confiscated Falun Gong books, a computer, a printer, and truth-clarifying materials. Her younger brother Mr. Liu Qingjiang was also arrested later.

Ms. Liu is currently held in the Panjin City Detention Center.

Ms. Li Chunsheng was arrested at home on February 25, 2023.

Liu Boling and Liu Hong (genders unknown) were arrested at 4 p.m. on February 27, 2023. Their homes were ransacked. Their Falun Gong books, photos of Falun Gong’s founder, and truth-clarifying materials were confiscated. Liu Boling was released early the next morning.

18. [Nong’an County, Jilin Province] Mr. Jiang Zhanjun and His Wife Ms. Pan Shujun Persecuted

Officers from the Qingshan Township Police Station went to the home of Mr. Jiang Zhanjun and his wife Ms. Pan Shujun in Qingshan Township. The couple was not there. They looked around but didn’t find anything. The police went to the city the next day and found the couple. They took photos of them. On the same day, the police went to the couple’s home again. They broke the lock and entered the house. Mr. Jiang’s mother was at home alone. Mr. Jiang heard what happened and did not go home that night. The police waited near the couple’s home that night.

19. [Huanggang City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhang Naishi Arrested and Detained

Ms. Zhang Naishi was arrested at home and was taken to a detention house on March 6, 2023. Her home was ransacked. Her Falun Gong books and photo of Falun Gong’s founder were confiscated.

20. [Nanchong City, Sichuan Province] Four Practitioners Face Trial

Four practitioners, Ms. Hu Guoxiu, Ling Junhui, Li Yuhua, and Cao Yunqing, will be tried in the Jialing District Court at 9 a.m. on March 15, 2023.

21. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Fan Meiling Detained

Ms. Fan Meiling from Ningcheng County is currently held in the Guangyang District Detention Center in Langfang City.

22. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Tang Qiongying Sentenced to Two Years in Prison

Ms. Tang Qiongying was sentenced to two years by the Pengxi County Court at the end of February 2023, which would be executed outside prison.

23. [Tianjin] Mr. Huang Liqiao Faces Trial

Mr. Huang Liqiao was arrested on October 4, 2022 and is currently held in the Hedong District Detention Center. He was tried online on February 7, 2023, by the Hedong District Court. The hearing was delayed after Mr. Huang called out, “The hearing is unjust.” He was severely beaten in the detention center by guard Li Hongjun.