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Young Dafa Practitioner: My Experience Eliminating Attachments

Dec. 3, 2023 |   By a young Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am a young Falun Dafa practitioner who has been studying the Fa with my parents ever since I was small. Over the years, I’ve matured and come to understand the deeper meaning of Dafa and have realized some principles, instead of just studying the Fa superficially. I look inward and have been able to find several attachments and then send righteous thoughts to eliminate them. I would like share my experience of eliminating attachments.

Eliminating the Attachments to Fame and Profit

My father passed away when I was 12 years old. My paternal grandmother and grandfather demanded a much larger share of his property and possessions than they were supposed to have. My mother asked for my opinion at that time and we shared our thoughts based on the Fa. I had little concept of money at that time and the only thought that surfaced in my mind was, “Why do they want so much money?”

A section of Master’s lectures surfaced in my mind,

“How should our practitioners treat losses and gains? It is different from everyday people. What everyday people want is personal gain and how to live well and comfortably.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

I understood little about the principles of Dafa, so I agreed for my grandparents to take a larger portion of my father’s estate. Years later, this incident would replay in my mind and provoke my attachments to fame and gain, and I fostered resentment toward my grandparents. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate and negate these attachments, and as time passed I felt that these bad substances were slowly being eliminated.

I gradually became attached to money as I got older. I am currently now a high school student and have heavy school work. I need to consider my relationship with my teachers and classmates. I once had a box of tissue paper on my desk, and some of my classmates were taking anywhere from one, to six or seven tissues at a time. Even my teacher came and took tissues from me. I had almost none left for myself. I felt it was unfair and thought, “Why is everyone using my tissues? I am not here to serve everyone.” I decided to put the tissues in my backpack and only took it out when my classmates or I needed some. I only shared some of my favorite snacks with the classmates sitting near me. If I passed the snacks further, there would be almost none left by the time the snacks came back to me. So I only shared snacks with classmates who sat close to me. I also paid attention to deals and discounts while shopping on my phone. I would have never done anything like this when I was young. I’ve covered up my attachments to fame and gain by using the excuse of not wanting my mother to work so hard to make ends meet. I was able to see the changes in myself and how I had become more attached to monetary gains and loses. I was determined to eliminate these attachments by sending forth righteous thoughts. I began to abide by Master’s requirements by letting go of my attachments to fame and gain and not intentionally hiding my tissues or snacks.

Eliminating Negative Thoughts

I have always enjoyed choreography and acting. Many scenes from a variety of shows and plots would come to my mind, and I would imagine myself as a part in them and sometimes even negative stuff. I began to enjoy this, and because I never shared this with any adults this state of mind has persisted to this day.

We began having virtual classes when the CCP virus (COVID-19 pandemic) broke out. I started to see many classmates taking leaves of absence because they got the virus. At one point, about 20 people in my class were absent. I started to feel uneasy and nervous about getting the virus myself. A family member started having a fever a couple of days later and I grew even more anxious. Though I negated these thoughts with righteous thoughts, I still worried. I started to have a fever the next day. My mother and I started to send righteous thoughts to eliminate the illusion of illness. If I had aligned myself in accordance with the Fa and negated the bad thoughts, I would not have gotten the fever.

I’ve also have some weird thoughts about getting hurt. I fell down the stairs one morning two days before my school’s sports meet. My knees were bruised and it was hard for me to bend down. I paid no attention to the bruises since I thought they would not hinder the sports meet. However, I stepped on my classmate’s shoes the same afternoon and I twisted my ankle. I could not walk normally and was angry and worried. It turned out that it was all arranged for me to get injured before the sports meet. I asked for Master’s help and completely eliminated the negative messages in my mind. My legs recovered right before the sports meet with Master’s compassionate protection. The injury did not affect my participation and I achieved good results. The old forces are very cunning and these negative messages often pass through one’s mind in a flash. It is critical that we catch these thoughts and clear them out in time so we don’t give the old forces a chance to interfere.

Abiding by the Fa With Righteous Thoughts and Actions

I joined the school’s wind orchestra when I was in elementary school. Master bestowed me with talent, so I passed skill level ten when I was only in middle school. My teacher treasured my talent and told my mother and that I’d be given a spot in a prestigious high school if we paid the relevant fees. This was a great opportunity for any student. However, I felt as if this was a test for me.

Master said:

“In other words, where he is in his life and what he should do are all included in it. Who has arranged his life? It is obviously a higher life that has arranged it. For instance, in our ordinary human society, after birth one belongs to a certain family, a certain school, and upon growing up a certain workplace; various contacts in society are made through a person’s job. That is, the layout of the entire society has been planned this way.” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

“Accordingly, that is why cultivation requires time and time again that one follow the course of nature since you will harm others with your efforts. If your life does not have something to begin with and you obtain what should belong to another person in society, you will owe that person a debt.” (Lecture Two, Zhuan Falun)

I realized the principle of following the course of nature. I will do my best to attend the high school that Master has arranged for me.

Above are some of my recent cultivation experiences. Please kindly point out anything that is not aligned with the Fa.