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Taiwan: Practitioners in Hualien Wish Falun Dafa’s Founder a Happy New Year

Dec. 27, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hualien, Taiwan

(Minghui.org) Practitioners in Hualien, Taiwan, gathered at Taipingyang Park (also known as Pacific Landscape Park) on December 24, 2023, to celebrate the holidays and wish Falun Dafa’s founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi, a Happy New Year. 

Falun Dafa practitioners in Hualien wish Master Happy New Year. 

It was a fine day and after they took a group photograph, practitioners did the Dafa exercises together. The soothing music attracted many passersby and they were happy to accept information about Falun Dafa. “I heard about Falun Dafa years ago and it is great to see you here,” said Yeh, who works at a local hospital. 

A retiree, Kuo, said, “We all know ‘good is rewarded with good’ and ‘evil meets retribution.’ The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will face consequences for persecuting Falun Dafa.” 

Practitioners do the first set of Falun Dafa exercises. 

Talking to people about Falun Dafa.

A woman (right) asks where she can learn the Falun Dafa exercises. 

Health Restored

Several practitioners shared how they have benefited from practicing Falun Dafa.

Ms. Hsu Huiyuan, who works at a government agency, was plagued with health problems. She took lots of painkillers for her headaches. She also took antibiotics. Ms. Hsu’s sister introduced her to Falun Dafa in 2001. Soon after she started practicing Dafa, her health issues disappeared. Impressed by these positive changes, Ms. Hsu’s entire family encouraged her to keep practicing. 

Hsu Huiyuan thanks Master Li for his guidance. 

After she began practicing, Ms. Hsu learned how the CCP persecutes Falun Dafa and she wanted to tell people the real story. She joined a news media and went to Taipei to learn typesetting. Although she had no experience in typesetting or creating graphs, she learned quickly and helped present the facts about the persecution of Falun Dafa. 

Ms. Hsu said she experienced many miracles along the way, and she thanked Master. In the new year she plans to follow Dafa’s teachings better and help Master save more people by sharing the goodness of Falun Dafa. 

The Meaning of Life

Since childhood, Shen Jinlien always searched for the meaning of life. All her life, she felt as if a force pushed her forward, but she did not know what it was. In her search for answers, she joined various Buddhist groups, but she later found that was not what she had been looking for. 

Shen Jinlien says she is very fortunate to be a Falun Dafa practitioner. 

In 2001, a friend told Ms. Shen about Falun Dafa and she took up the practice. “It was not until then did I realize what I had been waiting for was Falun Dafa,” she said. “I gradually learned to look inward and improve myself. I was able to let go of bad attachments and human notions, to comply with Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”

Ms. Shen said she was fortunate to find Falun Dafa and become a practitioner. “I finally learned the purpose of life. I will practice diligently and help Master save people. Thank you, Master, and Happy New Year!”

Business Owner: A Happy Family

Chang Yahui owns a famous noodle restaurant in the area. She has to get up early every morning and make noodles. After a few years she was exhausted, physically and mentally. She had chest pain and degenerative arthritis in both feet. To make things worse, her husband had a bad temper and the couple often quarreled. 

Chang Yahui owns a popular noodle restaurant. 

In 2001, a customer gave Ms. Chang a pamphlet about Falun Dafa. “After I read it, I suggested that my brother practice because his health was bad,” Ms. Chang said, “He agreed but said I had to practice with him. So we both listened to Master Li’s video lectures.”

A few days into the video lecture series, Ms. Chang suddenly realized that her questions about life were answered. For example, she’d wondered why we are in this world and why should we be good people. “I was excited and happy – I finally found Dafa and I began practicing,” she said. 

Ms. Chang soon found that her health issues were gone. “Once, my husband suddenly yelled at me for no reason. Before I opened my mouth to argue, I remembered Master’s words, that we should be selfless and considerate,” she said. “I realized that my husband did have a bad temper, but he is a good person. Interestingly, he also improved after I changed and now we are a happy family.”

Ms. Chang is very grateful to Master for his compassion. “Thank you, Master and Happy New Year!” she said.