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Hebei Woman Repeatedly Arrested, Jailed for 11 Months for Practicing Falun Gong

Dec. 18, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) A Wei County, Hebei Province, resident was subjected to arrests, harassment and prison sentence after the Chinese communist regime ordered the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999. Below is a recap of the persecution that Ms. Liu Shuying has suffered over the past more than 23 years.

Ms. Liu went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong in January 2000 and was arrested. Song Jianzhong, the deputy secretary of Xiagongcun Village, handcuffed her to a tree for an entire morning. He also kicked her twice. Two other village officials, Li Guangwan and Zhang Sheng, extorted 1,000 yuan from her family. They also raided her home with the police and confiscated her Falun Gong books.

Ms. Liu was stopped by 610 Office director Jiao Yueming and village Party secretary Li Zhibin while walking on the street in 2001. Li beat her and kicked her, causing her injuries.

Jiao, Li, and 610 Office instructor Gao Weiming went to her home to arrest Ms. Liu at around 4 a.m. in July 2003. She escaped from the restroom of her home. They confiscated her Falun Gong books.

On another occasion, Ms. Liu was on her way to visit her daughter when she was stopped by village officials Li Guangwan and Zhou Hongbin. They claimed that the central government was having an important political meeting and that she wasn’t allowed to travel during that time.

Village secretary Li Guangwan attempted to extort an unknown amount of money from Ms. Liu a month before the 2008 Beijing Olympics. As she refused to pay, Li and other village officials and the police beat Ms. Liu at her home and arrested her. They extorted 4,000 yuan from her husband and held her in custody until the end of the Olympics. 

Ms. Liu’s latest arrest fell on July 3, 2022 when she and another practitioner, Ms. Hu Ping, went to nearby Guangling County, Datong City, Shanxi Province to distribute Falun Gong informational materials. Ms. Liu was savagely beaten at Guangling County Police Department because she refused to provide her name and address [Editor’s note: due to China’s system of implication, Falun Gong practitioners ofter refuse to reveal their names to the authorities in order to protect family members, colleagues, and friends from police harassment]. The police still managed to confirm her identify. Li Guangwan and the police raided her home and took away all her Falun Gong books. Her arrest dealt a hard blow to her 97-year-old blind mother, who passed away soon after.

Ms. Liu and Ms. Hu were held in a hotel in Datong City and handcuffed to a chair the first night following their arrests. After 14 days of pandemic quarantine at Datong City Hospital, they were transferred to the Chenzhuang Detention Center. Ms. Hu was later sentenced to seven months and Ms. Liu to eleven months. Both practitioners have since been released.