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Additional Persecution News from China – December 2, 2023 (7 Reports)

Dec. 14, 2023

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 7 cities or counties in 5 provinces, where at least 9 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Chongqing] Ms. Lu Yamin Held in Custody for Over Six Months
2. [Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Zhang Fenglian Officially Arrested
3. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Song Yuemei’s Husband Passes Away Within Days of Police Harassment
4. [Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Jiang Lianhua Returns Home at the End of Her Prison Term
5. [Daxing'anling Prefecture, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Cai Guojun and Family Harassed
6. [Deyang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wang Mingxiu and Husband Harassed
7. [Beijing] Ms. Xu Jianmei Arrested

1. [Chongqing] Ms. Lu Yamin Held in Custody for Over Six Months

Ms. Lu Yamin was arrested on May 25, 2023, and held for more than six months. Her family hired a lawyer for her. The police filed a case to the Jiangbei District Procuratorate that Ms. Lu was distributing Falun Gong materials. The procuratorate dismissed the case due to insufficient evidence, but the police refused to release her.

2. [Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Zhang Fenglian Officially Arrested

Ms. Zhang Fenglian was officially placed under arrest.

3. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Song Yuemei’s Husband Passes Away Within Days of Police Harassment

Seven officers from the Jiangzhuang Police Station broke into Ms. Song Yuemei’s home on the afternoon of November 1, 2023, to harass her. Ms. Song’s husband Mr. Wang Zhenlun, who recently began practicing Falun Gong, was sick. He was at home alone listening to Master’s lectures. The officers took his audio player. He was extremely frightened by the police intrusion and died a few days later.

4. [Nanchang County, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Jiang Lianhua Returns Home at the End of Her Prison Term

Ms. Jiang Lianhua, about 40, was arrested by officers from the Wuyang Police Station in August 2020. She was subsequently sentenced to three years and three months in prison. She was sent to the Jiangxi Province Women’s Prison where she was made to do high-intensity labor for long hours. She also endured other abuses. She returned home on November 21, 2023.

5. [Daxing’anling Prefecture, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Cai Guojun and Family Harassed

Officers from the Tahe County Police Department twice broke into the home of Mr. Cai Guojun’s eldest sister on the morning of November 17, 2023. They asked, “Who in your family has accessed the Minghui website? Who in your family practices Falun Gong?”

On the afternoon of November 17, the Tahe County Police Department pressured Mr. Cai to go to the police department. On the second floor of the police department, four officers interrogated him. They threatened him and said that if he continued to practice Falun Gong, he would not be allowed to go to work. They forced him to write guarantee statements. To force him to give up cultivation, the Party secretary of his work unit also threatened him and said that if he continued to practice Falun Gong, he would not be allowed to work.

6. [Deyang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wang Mingxiu and Husband Harassed

Three officers from Gongnong Village Police Station in Jingyang District went to harass Ms. Wang Mingxiu and her husband at their home around 10 a.m. on November 22, 2023. The police took pictures with their cell phones. In the past, the police repeatedly came to the couple’s home and harassed them.

7. [Beijing] Ms. Xu Jianmei Arrested

Ms. Xu Jianmei was caught on surveillance video cameras when she talked to people about Falun Gong. At around 11 p.m. on January 20, 2023, the day before Chinese New Year’s Eve, more than ten officers from the Domestic Security Division and the Gongchen Police Station broke into Ms. Xu’s courtyard and ransacked her house. They confiscated about 10 Falun Gong books, two desk calendars, over 40 Falun Gong informational cards, and paper bills with Falun Gong facts printed on them. Ms. Xu was taken directly to the “pretrial center.” That night, Ms. Xu underwent a physical examination.

On the evening of January 21, Ms. Xu was taken to a detention center, where she was supposed to be held, while the police filed the case with the procuratorate. However, the detention center refused to accept her because she failed the physical examination. The police station processed paperwork that Ms. Xu would be released on bail. However, the officers did not notify her family to pick her up. Instead, they took her to a brainwashing center on the evening of January 31. She was not released until March 24.
