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Resentment Toward a Fellow Practitioner Dissipates

Nov. 7, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I’m nearly 60 years old, and tend to be impatient. I’ve being clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa for 23 years, mainly by mailing truth clarification materials. Sometimes, I asked other practitioners to help me. I didn’t know practitioner Lin much, and complained about her procrastinating in doing things. However, after experiencing the following incident my complaints turned to admiration.

The local post office replaced their mailboxes with small wall-mounted ones in late 2021. There were three cameras to watch people’s actions, and the opening was only wide enough to fit two letters at a time. A postal worker told me that the mail now had to go to the provincial capital before returning to the post office. Given this, I stopped mailing letters and began to have more contact with Lin.

I mailed truth clarification materials to government offices, law enforcement, community, prison, and educational leaders. I also mailed materials to practitioners who were in need, and the public at large. The contents include a page reflecting the current situation, and a comprehensive video card.

A few days ago, Lin told me that she was going to another place and wanted me to prepare some materials for her. I urgently did so, and took them to her. Lin then informed me that she wouldn’t be going for the time being. I felt uneasy in my heart. With the pandemic, I worried that there might be another lockdown soon. If Lin didn’t go now, she might not get another chance. But she insisted there was no urgency.

On the third day, Lin hurried to find me, as she was in urgent need of some materials. She took what I had, and asked me to print some more. I grudgingly produced the materials and took them to her home. It was a three-mile journey, but Lin had just left by the time I arrived. I went to Lin’s home again later, but she wasn’t there. I was growing more impatient, but also worried about Lin. When I managed to see her, she told me that another practitioner would handle the mailing from now on.

We went to the other practitioner’s home. On the way there, I said to Lin that I went to her home three times and rang the door bell a few times; I was a little embarrassed for bothering her family, and felt more resentment toward Lin. Lin assured me that it’s her fault and she should have waited for me for a while. 

At the other practitioner’s home, we worked until midnight to prepare hundreds of envelopes. Lin then took me home on her bicycle, wearing a smile.

Seeing Lin, almost 70, taking me home, my resentment disappeared. She has silently served as a coordinator and due to my impatience, she had to endure extra hardship. I couldn’t handle the situation as calmly as her, and was embarrassed to compare myself to her. In the future, I’ll learn to cooperate better, be patient, let go of more attachments, and help Master save more people.