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76-Year-Old Woman’s Testimony At Trial for Practicing Falun Gong

Nov. 3, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Minghui.org previously reported the trial of Ms. Jiang Xiuying, a 76-year-old woman from Ning’an City, Heilongjiang Province. She was tried in court on September 27, 2023 for practicing Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

The Hailin City Court initially ordered Ms. Jiang, who had been out on bail since her arrest on July 15, 2022, be taken back into custody after the hearing, but relented after two different hospitals found that she had high blood pressure. She was allowed to go home and is awaiting a verdict.

Ning’an City and Hailin City are under the administration of Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province. The Hailin City Procuratorate and Hailin Court have been designated to handle Falun Gong cases in the region.

Minghui.org recently received Ms. Jiang’s testimony presented at her court hearing. Below is her personal account of how Falun Gong returned her to health and dissolved her hatred for her husband who beat her after having an extra-marital affair.

Health Restored

My name is Jiang Xiuying, and I am 76 years old. I suffered from numerous illnesses before I took up Falun Gong. I had severe lumbar muscle strain and rheumatism. My migraine headaches were so bad that my eyes hurt and I had trouble seeing. I was tormented by neurasthenia and insomnia. The bones and joints in my hands were swollen, and I had edema in my legs. My slipped disc almost killed me as there was so much pain in my lower back, legs and arms. There seemed to be a heavy boulder on my back all day long, and I could hardly breathe. I was always bloated after I ate. I later developed gynecological diseases and my uterus had to be removed. My doctors then found adhesions in my intestines and lumps in my breasts. As if this was not enough, I was diagnosed with severe coronary heart disease.

All my symptoms disappeared after I began to practice Falun Gong. I later had two illness episodes, but thanks to Falun Gong I recovered quickly. During the first episode, I had massive gastric bleeding and my blood pressure reached over 200. I declined a surgery recommendation and returned home to do the Falun Gong exercises and read the Falun Gong books. I soon returned to normal.

The second episode was a stroke, and many blood vessels in my brain were blocked. My blood pressure shot up and I was found to have diabetes and heart problems. I became confused. I was nauseous and vomited. I also had double vision.

I was hospitalized for six days and spent 12,000 yuan. My son covered 9,000 yuan of it, my daughter paid 2,000 yuan, and our relatives paid the remaining 1,000 yuan. The doctors said I had to get two brain stents; otherwise I could die at any time. But our family had no money left. I decided to go home. My children were very sad and prepared for my funeral. I again turned to Falun Gong and I gradually recovered.

Falun Gong’s miraculous healing power can only be experienced by those who truly believe in it.

Resentment Towards Husband Gone

One year it was snowing heavily on the second day of the Chinese New Year. My newly-wed husband and I went to visit my parents that day. My husband, being a member of the Chinese Communist Party’s Youth League, looked down on my father, who had been labeled as lower class by the regime. He said to me, “I cannot eat at the same table as your father.” I had to ask my father to step outside while our family celebrated the new year together.

My father ended up standing in the snow during the entire duration of the meal. Words could not describe my hatred towards my husband for making my father suffer this way.

My husband later had a mistress and beat me savagely all the time. My body was covered in wounds and bruises. Sometimes I had to seek shelter at my sister’s home. Every time I returned home, I stood outside for a long time before I gathered enough courage to go inside. I rarely spoke to anyone. I could not even cry. I thought about getting a divorce but couldn’t stand the thought of seeing my children growing up in a broken family.

After I took up Falun Gong, I understood there’s a reason behind everything. I no longer resented my husband and was able to remain calm when he abused me. He had a stroke at the age of 60 and suffered complications for the next ten years. He became irritable because of his illness and often beat and cursed me. I had no resentment and took meticulous care of him. I was able to do this because of Falun Gong’s teachings of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I learned to be considerate of and kind to others.

Falun Gong transformed my life yet I was arrested for practicing my faith. I hope the prosecutor and the judge will uphold justice for me.

Related report:

76-Year-Old Heilongjiang Woman Stands Trial for Her Faith