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Additional Persecution News from China – November 18, 2023 (10 Reports)

Nov. 28, 2023

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 10 cities or counties in 5 provinces, where at least 12 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Pan Yanjun Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
2. [Laizhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhao Xiping Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
3. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Wang Binghe Arrested and Detained
4. [Junan County, Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Chengyan Arrested and Detained
5. [Xinbin County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Chen Jiuwen Arrested
6. [Fuyuan City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhang Guizhi Harassed
7. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Mr. Ren Lichen and Mr. Wang Shenbo Harassed
8. [Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Li Mingju Harassed
9. [Dandong City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yuan Arrested
10. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Sumei and Ms. Wang Ke Arrested and Detained

1. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Pan Yanjun Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

Ms. Pan Yanjun from Nong’an County was arrested by officers from the Qingshankou Township Police Station on March 2, 2023. She was sent to the Nong’an County Detention Center. Her lawyer has not been able to visit her.

When Ms. Pan was tried in the Dehui City Court on July 13, 2023, her family was not informed. She received the verdict on August 18, 2023 and learned that she was sentenced to three years and six months and fined 10,000 yuan. She appealed on August 25, 2023. Her appeal was filed to the Changchun City Intermediate Court on October 27, 2023. Ms. Pan was informed on November 3, 2023 that her original verdict was upheld by the Changchun City Intermediate Court.

2. [Laizhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhao Xiping Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

Ms. Zhao Xiping lives in Heiyangshan Village of Shahe Town, Laizhou City. She was arrested by officers from the Huibu Police Station on May 12, 2023 for talking to people about Falun Gong at the Huibu Market. Her home was ransacked. The police confiscated her printer, cash and other personal belongings. Ms. Zhao was detained for one month in the No. 2 Detention Center. She was then placed under official arrest. 

Ms. Zhao was tried by the Huangdao Court in the No. 2 Detention Center on November 8, 2023. The hearing only lasted 10 minutes. She was sentenced to three years in prison and fined 10,000 yuan. Her lawyer was not allowed to defend her.

3. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Wang Binghe Arrested and Detained

Wang Binghe (gender unknown) is a retiree from the Weifang Fluecured Tobacco Factory. Wang was arrested for talking to people about Falun Gong in the Fangzi District and was held in the Weifang City Detention Center for several months.

4. [Junan County, Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Chengyan Arrested and Detained

Ms. Liu Chengyan, around 50, was arrested on November 17, 2023. She was placed under 6-day detention and sent to the Linyi City Detention Center.

5. [Xinbin County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Chen Jiuwen Arrested

Mr. Chen Jiuwen was arrested at home by officers from Songyuan City on October 30, 2023. It was said that his arrest was related to his cell phone being monitored. It is unknown where Mr. Chen is detained.

6. [Fuyuan City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhang Guizhi Harassed

Ms. Zhang Guizhi, in her 70s, was harassed at home by two officers from the Yanjiang Police Station at 6 p.m. on November 16, 2023. She was questioned and asked whether she still practiced Falun Gong. 

7. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Mr. Ren Lichen and Mr. Wang Shenbo Harassed

Mr. Ren Lichen was harassed at home by officers including the head of the Taohaotai Township Police Station on November 16, 2023. They photographed him.

Mr. Wang Shenbo from Jianbala Village was harassed at home by two officers. They photographed him.

8. [Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Li Mingju Harassed

Ms. Li Mingju was harassed at home by four people including Yang Shanlin, head of Yuanshi Village of Mengyang Town on November 17, 2023. They secretly photographed her.

9. [Dandong City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yuan Arrested

Ms. Yuan from the No. 5 Team of Jixian, around 64, was reported to police for distributing truth-clarifying materials and was arrested by officers from the Tangchi Police Station on November 17, 2023.

10. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Sumei and Ms. Wang Ke Arrested and Detained

Ms. Zhang Sumei and Ms. Wang Ke were reported to police for talking to people about Falun Gong in Hou’an Market in Fushun County and were arrested on November 15, 2023. They were placed under 15-day detention and sent to the Fushun City Detention Center.