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Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia: Three Falun Gong Practitioners Sentenced to Prison

Nov. 28, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Inner Mongolia, China

(Minghui.org) Three Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia residents were recently sentenced to prison for their shared faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Ms. Fan Lianye was arrested on April 8, 2022, by officers from the Saihan District Police Department. She was detained at Hohhot City First Detention Center. Details about her indictment, trial, and sentencing aren’t clear.

Ms. Li Feng was also seized by the Saihan District Police Department officers on April 13, 2022. She refused to answer any questions when being interrogated by the political director Wang Dong. She was held at the Hohhot City First Detention Center and later sentenced to 2.5 years. She appealed the verdict and it’s not clear whether the appeals court has issued any ruling.

Ms. Guo Li was arrested on August 31, 2022 for distributing informational materials about Falun Gong at a supermarket. It was unclear which police agency was responsible for her arrest. She was also taken to the Hohhot City First Detention Center. She was later sentenced to four years and her appeal was rejected. She has been taken to an unknown prison.