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Negating the Persecution With Righteous Thoughts

Nov. 24, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Master has spoken many times about having righteous thoughts and actions when we are being persecuted in different ways, and how to negate the persecution. I would like to share several experiences of negating the persecution under Master’s protection.

Transferring Pain

I was once taken to a brainwashing session, and the head of Domestic Security slapped my face with the back of his hand. I calmly had the thought of the pain transferring to him. As a result, my face didn’t hurt at all, and there was no swelling. But he was in great pain, and he kept shaking his hand. After that, he never dared to hit me again.

Detained in a Police Station

Another time, I was arrested for hanging truth-clarification banners, and was taken to the police station. As soon as I got out of the police car, I felt like my head was about to explode. I said to Master, “Master, is cultivation really this difficult?” Then, suddenly my head felt fine. Because I thought of Master, he removed it for me. It was truly miraculous.

In the police station, I wasn’t allowed to sleep for seven consecutive days and nights. They beat my legs to the point that they were badly swollen, and were black and purple. They asked me about the source of the banners and tried to force me to “transform.” I had no fear, and I didn’t feel any pain. My heart wasn’t moved during their attempts to persecute me; I just stayed calm. Before moving me to the detention center, I was taken to the hospital for a physical examination.

After the police pulled me out of their car, I shouted, “Falun Dafa is good!” They removed the shackles from me and hit me in the head with the shackles, but I didn’t feel any pain. I kept shouting, “Falun Dafa is good!” After I returned to the detention center, the other detainees in the same cell discovered that I had several egg-sized lumps on my head. When my mind wasn’t moved, the persecutors couldn’t do anything to me. At the detention center, I didn’t take any medicine, and I recovered physically back to normal before I knew it.

In Prison

I was once illegally sentenced to three years in prison. Because I exposed their evil actions during that time, they tried to increase my sentence at the end of the three years, but were unsuccessful. They then took me to a brainwashing session. I went on a hunger strike three times to resist the persecution. During the hunger strikes, they tried to forced-feed me, but failed. They then forcibly gave me infusions.

I thought of what Master said:

“If the wicked policemen and the bad people can’t be dissuaded and persist in doing evil, you can stop them with righteous thoughts. When Dafa disciples have strong righteous thoughts and no fear, they can use righteous thoughts to turn the tables on the evildoers. Whether it’s when the wicked policemen are using electric batons or when bad people are injecting drugs to persecute you, you can use your righteous thoughts to redirect the electric current or the drugs back to the person doing violence to you.” (“Stop the Evil Acts With Righteous Thoughts,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)

With Master’s protection, I returned home safely. The local 610 Office was afraid to take responsibility and told me several times that I must go to the hospital for a good check-up when I return home. I remained unmoved. After returning home, through studying the Fa and doing the Dafa exercises, my body recovered very quickly.

In the Detention Center

I was illegally sentenced another time to two years. Because I didn’t cooperate with the guards in the detention center, I was punished with the so called “Nine Prohibitions” [not allowed to brush one’s teeth, wash one’s face, wash the hair, take showers, write to family, buy daily necessities, eat extra food given to detainees as a reward, manage daily necessities, or use one’s own toilet paper].

I went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. After a week, I was sent to the hospital for forced infusions, and another week later I was forced-fed. At the time, I was very thin, and my hands were handcuffed to both sides of the bed. I said to Master, “Normal transfusions are nutritious for ordinary people, but these are not normal transfusions. Master, please help me transform the substance into what my body needs, and send what my body doesn’t need [added drugs, etc.] into the bodies of the evildoers.”

I was on a hunger strike throughout my imprisonment. I originally weighed 132 pounds, but at the end of the sentence, I only weighed a little over 88 pounds. My hair had turned gray and was falling out. My face looked as if I was in my 80s. I was tortured with mouth gags, which caused my teeth to become loose and misaligned. When my son took me home, he had to ask my disabled husband to take care of me. Due to the persecution I experienced, my husband was in great fear and was hit hard mentally by it. So he was in very bad health, while also being disabled. However, my son had to ask him to take care of me, which shows how severely I had been persecuted that time. But this was just on the surface. I knew that Master had helped me bear most of the suffering.

After I returned home, I started to do all the housework, and I didn’t feel any discomfort. I didn’t take any nutritional supplements, and only had lunch and dinner every day. I just studied the Fa, did the Dafa exercises, and sent forth righteous thoughts. My health improved day by day, and I recovered very quickly.

In my mind, I negated the persecution that took the form of hair loss and gray hair, and I gradually stopped losing hair, and my hair started returning to its black color. Now, there is hardly a gray hair on my head. My teeth have grown back to normal, and my appearance has also been restored. When I went back to my hometown, people said to me, “You still look so young. You are almost 60 years old, and you don’t have gray hair!” I said, “It’s because we practice Falun Dafa, which delays aging.” Thank you, Master! Thank you, Dafa!

The Zero-out Campaign

During the Chinese communist regime’s “Zero-Out Campaign” late last year, a dozen people came to my home, arrested me, and took me to a brainwashing session. They used various means to threaten and deceive me. I was unmoved and just continued to clarify the truth, expose the evil crimes, and send forth righteous thoughts. With Master’s help, I was taken home by the village director at around 11 p.m. that night.

Negating the Persecution

Every thought we have is very important, especially in the midst of a tribulation or the persecution. We must evaluate it based on the Fa and negate the persecution. To whatever degree we can negate the persecution, that is how much of the persecution we will eliminate. What we do not negate is how severe the persecution will be. That is, if we are able to completely negate the persecution, then the persecution will not exist.