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Additional Persecution News from China – November 16, 2023 (12 Reports)

Nov. 20, 2023

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 12 cities or counties in 8 provinces, where at least 15 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Chen Jinqing Faces Trial
2. [Anlu City, Hubei Province] Ms. Yang Furong Arrested
3. [Shanghai] Ms. Tang Aihong Placed Under Residential Surveillance
4. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Three Practitioners Persecuted
5. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Gao Yuxia and Ms. Niu Tongqin Persecuted
6. [Yishui County, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Kemei Brutally Beaten by Police
7. [Baoji City, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Liu Hongshu Missing
8. [Fengshun County, Guangdong Province] Mr. Zhang Chongfu Released from Prison
9. [Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Liu Min Arrested
10. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Hong Xiuyun Released from Prison
11. [Anlu City, Hubei Province] Ms. Ao Lanying’s Home Ransacked

12. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Li Fen Arrested and Detained

1. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Chen Jinqing Faces Trial

Ms. Chen Jinqing, around 70, was arrested by officers from the Hexinghua Police Station in Tianhe District on February 24, 2023. She will be tried in the Haizhu District Court on the morning of November 20, 2023.

2. [Anlu City, Hubei Province] Ms. Yang Furong Arrested

Ms. Yang Furong, 57, was arrested around 3 p.m. on November 15, 2023. The police ransacked her home and confiscated two Falun Gong books. Ms. Yang is currently detained in the Changsong Brainwashing Center in Bofan Town.

3. [Shanghai] Ms. Tang Aihong Placed Under Residential Surveillance

Ms. Tang Aihong from Pudong New District has been placed under 24-hour residential surveillance since November 1, 2023 because the International Import Expo was held in Shanghai.

4. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Three Practitioners Persecuted

Ms. Yu Fangzhuang, 90, Ms. Deng Meizhen, 82, and Ms. Xiong Quanmei, 72, are on bail pending trial and have been sentenced to six months, two years, and one year and ten months in prison respectively. They were contacted on November 14, 2023 and told to have physical examinations and submit the results to the No.1 Detention Center of Nanchang City.

5. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Gao Yuxia and Ms. Niu Tongqin Persecuted

Ms. Gao Yuxia and Ms. Niu Tongqin were arrested by officers from the Longzihu Police Station in the summer of 2023 for talking to people about Falun Gong on the street. Ms. Gao was placed on bail pending trial. Ms. Niu was placed under residential surveillance. 

Ms. Gao’s home was ransacked by officers led by Hao Longtao, head of the Zhengdong New District Domestic Security Division in early November 2023. Ms. Gao was told that her case was filed to the procuratorate.

6. [Yishui County, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Kemei Brutally Beaten by Police

Ms. Li Kemei from Fengtaizhuang Village of Xujiahu Town, was reported to police for distributing desk calendars which had information about Falun Gong at the Shiniuling Market in Yuanjiazhuang. She was arrested by officers from the Xujiahu Town Police Station on the morning of November 13, 2023. The police ransacked her home and confiscated two media players. Ms. Li was brutally beaten. The officers grabbed her hair and banged her head against the wall. They boxed her ears and kicked her. 

Ms. Li was taken to the hospital for a physical exam. When she was told to urinate in front of three male officers, she refused. She was beaten in the car on the way to the Linyi Detention Center. 

After they arrived at the detention center, the officers dragged her into a restroom and beat her for 30 minutes. Her head was shoved into the toilet bowl and she was forced to drink from it. She was thrown to the floor and stomped on. One officer stomped on her head and another one stomped on her feet. Her entire body was covered in bruises. Her face was covered in cuts and she limped. Her condition alarmed the people in the detention center. She was denied admission and was released around 10 p.m. that night.

7. [Baoji City, Shaanxi Province] Mr. Liu Hongshu Missing

Mr. Liu Hongshu from Qishan County was released on September 26, 2023 after being imprisoned for three years. His father passed away while he was detained. Mr. Liu recently filed a complaint against those who were responsible for sending him to prison. He is now missing.

8. [Fengshun County, Guangdong Province] Mr. Zhang Chongfu Released from Prison

Mr. Zhang Chongfu, 49, was arrested by officers from the Dongmen Police Station in the Luohu District, Shenzhen City on July 6, 2021. He was sent to the Longgang District Detention Center in Shenzhen City. He was later sentenced to one and a half years in prison by the Yantian District Court. Mr. Zhang was released and is now home.

9. [Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Liu Min Arrested

Mr. Liu Min from Lanxi County was arrested on November 13, 2023, and sent to a detention house.

10. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Hong Xiuyun Released from Prison

Ms. Hong Xiuyun, 85, was released on July 6, 2023 after being imprisoned in the Liaoning Province Women’s Prison for two years.

11. [Anlu City, Hubei Province] Ms. Ao Lanying’s Home Ransacked

Ms. Ao Lanying’s home was ransacked on November 15, 2023. All her Falun Gong books were confiscated. The police tried to take Ms. Ao to a brainwashing center but her family stopped them.

12. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Li Fen Arrested and Detained

Ms. Li Fen was contacted by the Zuanshiwan Police Station and told to pick up her ID card and other personal belongings. She went there on the morning of November 15, 2023, and was arrested. Ms. Li is currently detained in the Ganjingzi District Police Department.