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I Was Asked Why I Practice Falun Dafa

Nov. 1, 2023 |   By Yangguang, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) My husband once asked me why I practice Falun Dafa. I replied, “To assist Master Li Hongzhi (Falun Dafa’s founder) with Fa-rectification and fulfill my vows.” He said my answer lacked sincerity, as it sounded like I was reciting from a textbook.

My husband had only been practicing Falun Dafa for three years since returning to the practice, so I added, “I began the practice with the purpose of getting healthy. I then learned I could cultivate to reach enlightenment (or consummation). I now realize that I made a vow with Master and have a mission to fulfill.” My husband was quiet.

I began to practice Falun Dafa in 1997. My husband was also practicing at that time, but he stopped after the persecution began in 1999. He has given me a lot of xinxing tests since, but I didn’t appreciate it until recent years.

For more than 20 years, I rarely did all five sets of exercises every day. I typically did the sitting meditating one day, then the standing exercises the next. I let myself wake up naturally every morning and comforted myself by believing that I needed sleep because my job was demanding.

My husband returned to Dafa practice amid the COVID outbreak. He required himself to sit with both legs crossed while studying the Fa, and set his alarm for the morning practice every day while working a full-time job. I hesitated to follow suit because I was worried I wouldn’t get enough sleep, although I was a veteran practitioner and didn’t have to work anymore.

My husband had a night shift every four days. I secretly looked forward to his night shift because I could wake up naturally the next morning by not setting the alarm. I didn’t believe I was able to do what other practitioners did by having very little sleep. I refused to suffer hardship and didn’t know the true meaning of cultivation.

As I began to memorize the Fa in recent years, I came upon this section of Zhuan Falun:

“Today we have made public to you this great practice. I have already delivered it to your doorstep. It is up to you whether you can practice cultivation and make it. If you can do it, you may continue your cultivation. If you cannot do it or cannot practice cultivation, from now on you can forget about practicing cultivation. Except for demons that will deceive you, nobody else will teach you, and in the future you will not be able to practice cultivation.” (Lecture Eight, Zhuan Falun)

I couldn’t stop crying after understanding this part of Master’s Fa. I said in my heart, “Master, I can do it. I must do it!” How lucky I was to have obtained the Fa. I hated myself for letting Master down—How difficult it was for Him to get us to become practitioners!

When I was 19 years old, I almost drowned. I couldn’t swim, so some people on a boat threw me a nylon rope to save me. I grabbed hold and they began to pull, but the rope was slippery. I shouted in desperation, “I can’t hold onto it!”

Luckily, the end of the rope was tied in a knot. I clutched onto it with both hands and was finally pulled on board. After obtaining the Fa, I realized Master was already watching over me at that time.

Another time, I studied the Fa and came upon this sentence,

“In the past, after climbing into a cave with the help of a rope, a practitioner would cut off the rope to practice in the cave.” (Lecture Eight, Zhuan Falun)

The words “cut off” jumped out at me. I imagined how much courage it took for a practitioner to cut off the rope and how strong their determination and perseverance must have been back then!

There was nothing in the cave, but Master’s Dafa allows practitioners to cultivate among people in society. We need not live in temples, and we have access to food and enjoy heating and air conditioning, and yet I still slacked off. I was really in the wrong by going after ease and comfort so much!

I was determined to cherish and grasp the remaining time to cultivate diligently. Every day, I now complete the five sets of exercises and do the 2nd exercise for a full hour. I can feel Master’s encouragement.

My third eye is closed, so I can’t see other dimensions, but I can feel them! The exercises opened my wisdom, and I can memorize the Fa faster. By talking to people about the persecution also became smoother, as if everyone I met had been arranged to wait for me. I come home feeling happy and can’t stop humming Dafa songs. Master has said that all lives are riches. I know only by cultivating myself well can I awaken others.

I claim to be a veteran Dafa practitioner and pick on my husband a lot. However, I realized this was my ego and came to understand Master had arranged for my husband to help me become diligent.

The first time my husband sat with both legs crossed while studying the Fa, he was sweating from the pain. Giving myself excuses for never trying, I exclaimed, “Learning the Fa is more important!” We now both sit with both legs crossed for the whole Fa-study session.

I want to cherish this opportunity to practice Dafa wholeheartedly. The world’s people are waiting for us to awaken them. I have further understood how sacred the title “Dafa disciple” is in the cosmos.

In my opinion, doing the exercises is a must for practitioners, because it’s something we are supposed to do. In addition, we should increase the duration of sending forth righteous thoughts. Of course, with Fa study being a priority, a mechanism will form when we get used to this routine. I recently felt a strong rotation in my body each time I send forth righteous thoughts. I feel vigorous from the inside out!

During the pandemic, a few members of my extended family had symptoms of COVID, but they disappeared within a few days. My 90-year-old mother, also a practitioner, had a few COVID symptoms, and they also vanished in a day or two. My mother studies Zhuan Falun every day and is very healthy. She often says “Thank you, Master!”

I would like to thank Master on behalf of my entire family!

Please kindly point out anything that is not in accordance with the Fa. Thank you!