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Do Not Casually Compliment Non-Practitioners

Oct. 9, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Reflecting on the Minghui editorial “Flattery and Demonic Interference from One’s Own Mind,” I didn’t think I had ever complimented practitioners, or exhibited the behavior mentioned in the article.

My mother told me that an auntie praised her and she got upset. She reprimanded the auntie, “Don’t praise me! I don’t want to hear it, and I don’t need it!” I thought my mother’s temper had flared up again. The auntie had good intentions, but my mother was acting cold.

When my mother had finished complaining, she talked about something else with a smile. She said she was brave to scold someone, and was pleased with herself. She asked me if she had done the right thing.

I’d usually say a few things, like “You’re awesome,” to make her happy. But I didn’t approve of her behavior. I found my mother’s demeanor amusing, but I wasn’t sure if she truly liked to be praised or not. So I asked why she got so upset when the auntie praised her. She couldn’t give me an answer, so I went further, “Was it because she sounded insincere?” My mother nodded.

While doing the exercises in the morning, our conversation popped into my mind. I realized that Master Li, Falun Dafa’s founder, was pointing things out to me. I had been praising my mother even though I didn’t agree with her behavior. My compliments encouraged her, and her knowing side probably didn’t like it. Thus, my words didn’t benefit her at all.

My mother is not a Dafa practitioner, therefore I didn’t think she could change her behavior. I had to accompany her to take care of things a while ago, and I slowly introduced her to the Fa principles and pointed out her mistakes. She actually accepted them and is changing slowly.

The standards for practitioners are different from those of non-practitioners. We should pay attention to our thoughts and speech when we talk to non-practitioners. Don’t use crafty words for the sake of being superficially kind. We should be responsible for all lives. Compliments might push a person down in the muddy world of today’s society, which could make it more difficult to learn Dafa in the future.

I still use human notions when handling things. The way I talk to my mother is no different from the practitioner’s behavior in the Minghui editorial. My behavior is the result of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) indoctrination, and is the opposite of traditional Chinese culture. It’s time for me to improve! 

I have come to a different understanding about cultivation. I’ve always thought that I can’t change non-practitioners, but those who come in contact with us are different. They are within our dimensional field, and have predestined relationships with Dafa. Perhaps it is because I have not cultivated to a certain level that they are prevented from studying Dafa.

I’m here to validate the Fa, and I saw my shortcomings through this experience. My human heart and notions prevented me from validating the Fa well.