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Gods Admire Us

Oct. 5, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My parents, my son, and I practice Falun Dafa. My father’s celestial eye is open and he can can see scenes in other dimensions.

Gods Admire Falun Dafa Practitioners

During summer vacation, I read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, with my 10-year-old son, and my parents. One day while we were reading, my father suddenly said with great excitement, “Let’s pause for a moment. Just now a high-level being from another dimension communicated with me, and I would like to share it with you.

“While we are read Zhuan Falun, many gods from other dimensions came and watched us. One of them told me in a serious tone: 'We admire you for taking the opportunity to study Dafa. Please be sure to cherish this environment.'”

“He also told me that they were happy for us when we had new understandings of Fa principles, and they laughed at us when we argued with each other and couldn’t get over it.”

After he said this, I was determined and knew that I must take Fa study more seriously. Just as I thought of this, my father again said, “Now, they are all smiling. They are happy that we understand what they are trying to convey.”

Beings in the Heavenly World are Waiting for Me to Return

A few days later, I argued with my parents about something and skipped Fa Study that day.

Later my mother called and told me that my father was sad. I hurried over to my parent’s home.

My father said, “You have been practicing cultivation for about 27 years, and the beings in your world are looking forward to your return. When you left with anger, I saw many beings in your world sadly observing that you failed an opportunity to improve yourself. The old forces took this as an excuse to eliminate two lives. But they still believe you are the best and that you will return to their world eventually. Your sentient beings are willing to sacrifice for you, why can’t you be more diligent in cultivation for them?”

I deeply regretted what I did and was determined to do better in the future.