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Tales of Miraculous Reunions

Oct. 1, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I often coordinate with Anping, and we go out to tell people the facts about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) persecution of Falun Dafa. We’ve had many experiences: some were touching, some were regrettable, some were dangerous, and others were unforgettable. No matter what happens, we’re always happy as we feel that Master Li (Dafa’s founder) is by our side.

A Happy Coincidence

Anping once chatted with an elderly woman at the bus station. The two of them hit it off right away, and the woman had a very positive understanding of Dafa and expressed her sympathy. However, the bus came before Anping could tell her about the “three withdrawals” (withdrawing from the CCP and its affiliated organizations).

Anping kept saying, “What a pity. She was so kind, but she left before I could finish. I don’t know if she’ll meet another practitioner!” I told Anping, “She definitely will. No one who is predestined will be left behind.” Anping said, “For some reason, I felt meeting her was like meeting a relative that I haven’t seen for years. I hope Master arranges for us to meet again!”

As we walked along the road while clarifying the facts to passersby, I noticed Anping hugging a woman and laughing. I thought she must have met an old friend.

After a while, Anping caught up with me and said, “It’s amazing that Master heard my wish, we bumped into each other again within 20 minutes.” It turned out the lady delivered meals to her child. It was two bus stops away. After she delivered the food, she didn’t want to take a bus and just walked along the road. She saw Anping again and readily agreed to quit the CCP.

I was happy for her, and I was also happy that Anping’s wish was fulfilled. I recalled Master’s poem,

“Before coming to this earth we promised:Whoever found the Way would share the news ...”(“Because We Promised Each Other,”Hong Yin IV).

Under Master’s merciful arrangement, they finally met again in this life! Our hearts are filled with immense gratitude to Master.

A Woman Eventually Gets Her USB Drive

I saw a young woman pushing a folded wheelchair at the station, so I asked her if the wheelchair was new. She said it was borrowed. A relative went on a trip and suddenly fell ill, and she had to pick him up at the station.

When I told her about the persecution, she listened attentively. She said Falun Dafa is good and quit the Party organizations she joined. I asked her if she wanted a USB flash drive that contained information about China’s lost traditions, the truth behind catastrophic events happening now, award-winning movies about Dafa, and software for breaking through the CCP’s Internet blockade. She said yes as her bus was arriving.

I hurriedly looked in my bag, but I couldn’t find the drive. She urged me to hurry. I finally found the little pocket that held it and caught up with her. She thanked me and was the last one to get on the bus.

I sighed with relief. About an hour later, I looked for the monthly bus pass in my bag and found a USB drive when I felt the bottom of my bag. I was surprised, where did this USB come from? I normally put them in a small airtight pocket. Suddenly, I realized it must have slipped out of the USB disk sleeve that I gave the woman. The sleeve I gave the woman only contained an instruction manual and a mobile phone adapter. How disappointed she would be!

I was sad and blamed myself. I wondered, “What should I do? Where do I find her?” I only knew that she was about to pick someone up. I didn’t know the train number or time. I told Anping, and we asked Master for guidance! Let this predestined woman get the USB flash drive!

We both hurriedly took a bus and arrived at the train station. In that crowded station, we found the woman pushing the wheelchair. She waived when she saw us. When she learned that we came just to give her the missing USB flash drive, she was so touched and repeatedly thanked us!

I knew that Anping’s original plan was to go home early that day because a family member was sick and needed her care. But we both wanted to find this woman and make sure she got a chance to learn the truth about Dafa.

We know that Dafa is omnipotent, and Master is omnipotent. As long as we have the will to save others, Master will help us fulfill our wishes and arrange miraculous “reunions.” Only by cultivating ourselves well can we be worthy of Master’s compassionate salvation!