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Singapore: Falun Dafa Practitioners Thank Master and Wish Him Happy Chinese New Year

Jan. 20, 2023

(Minghui.org) With the 2023 Chinese New Year approaching Falun Dafa practitioners gathered at Singapore Flyer, a popular local tourist attraction, to wish Master Li Hongzhi (Falun Dafa’s founder) a happy New Year and thank him for his benevolent salvation. They conveyed their New Year greetings and wished that more people can understand the truth and benefit from Dafa.

Falun Dafa practitioners wish their founder, Master Li Hongzhi, a happy New Year.

Amazing Experiences after Practicing Falun Dafa

Gary started practicing Falun Dafa in 2016. He said that after he began practicing udumbara flowers grew on his car three times and he photographed them. The udumbara is a rare flower that in Sanskrit means auspicious flower from Heaven. It only appears every three thousand years. As the flower is white and chaste, the udumbara is also known as a Buddhist flower. According to Buddhist scriptures, the appearance of the udumbara is very sacred and significant.

Ms. Liang, a Singaporean, started practicing Falun Dafa in 1995, together with her parents. Although she was very young before she began cultivating her legs hurt whenever it rained. After she began practicing her legs no longer hurt and she was fine.

Eliminating Atheist Notions

Ms. Li, who moved to Singapore more than twenty years ago, said that she heard about Falun Dafa in China at the end of 1998. She read Falun Dafa’s main book, Zhuan Falun and learned the exercise movements. A month later, she moved to Singapore. A few months later the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Dafa. She was afraid to practice so she did not continue to read the Fa or do the exercises.

In October 2005, a colleague gave her a copy of The Epoch Times. A report mentioned five million courageous Chinese quit the CCP and its youth organizations. She recalled that Master said that Falun Dafa does not participate in politics so she wondered why The Epoch Times asked people to quit the CCP. Ms. Li went online and learned what quitting the CCP and its youth organizations were all about. She also read all of Master Li Hongzhi’s collected lectures given in different regions.

Much to her surprise after reading all of Master’s lectures, she changed her once stubborn atheist notions and decided to cultivate sincerely.

Ms. Li says after she began genuinely practicing, her health is great and she feels very light and relaxed when she walks. She is easily able to climb the stairs to her office on the third floor. She walks so quickly that she sometimes accidentally climbs to the fourth floor. Before cultivating, Ms. Li always felt stressed. When she was writing her research thesis she suffered from insomnia. However, after cultivating, her inner heart feels very relaxed and she easily falls asleep.

Cherish the Affinity with Dafa

Mr. Sun, a Singaporean, started practicing Falun Dafa in 2004. He said that in 1996, his drawing teacher told him about Falun Dafa. At that time, his drawing teacher and classmates all practiced. That year the Falun Buddha Society Singapore was founded. Master Li Hongzhi came to Singapore and gave a lecture. Mr. Sun said he was fortunate to attend that lecture and he met Master Li Hongzhi.

Mr. Sun said that he did not understand what cultivation was at that time but he still brought a copy of Zhuan Falun home. Seven years later, Mr. Sun suddenly had the thought to learn more about Falun Dafa. Through repeated suggestions from his drawing teacher, Mr. Sun bought more books related to Falun Dafa to read. However, due to the CCP’s propaganda, the information about Falun Dafa that was circulating in society was all slander and fake news. After listening to the recordings of Master Li’s lectures himself, Mr. Sun discovered that the information that was spreading in society was totally different from what Master Li was teaching. He was determined to start practicing Falun Dafa.

Mr. Sun said that after he made up his mind to practice Falun Dafa, he discovered that the negative content that he saw online about Falun Dafa in the past all disappeared.

Positive Changes after Practicing Falun Dafa

In 2005 one of Victor’s colleagues urged him to watch videos of the lectures given by Mr. Li Hongzhi. After he finished watching them, insomnia that troubled him for many years disappeared. He is very thankful that he was able to learn Falun Dafa and cultivate in it. He said that after he began practicing Falun Dafa, he no longer insists on his own opinions when he gets into conflicts.

Speaking of their New Year wishes, Gary hopes to cultivate diligently in the coming year. He also hopes that the people in China can recognize the truth soon and be free themselves from the CCP regime. He also hopes that the Chinese people’s tribulations will soon end.

Ms. Liang wished that she can be more diligent in her cultivation in the coming new year and hopes to quickly eliminate her attachments. She hopes that people in China can recognize the true nature of the CCP. She also hopes people in Singapore can recognize the dangers that the CCP brings to society.

Ms. Li was full of emotion and thanked Master for his benevolent salvation. She felt that time is very tight now, as the pandemic is worldwide and continues to worsen. Ms. Li referred to Stay Rational, a lecture that Master Li published earlier. She thinks that Master has taught people the principles to live by (Truth, Compassion, Forbearance) and told people the true situation so that they can be saved. Ms. Li hopes that she can make good use of the available time left to cultivate herself well and save more people. She also hopes that people can recognize the true nature of the CCP through this pandemic, stay far away from the CCP, forsake it and quit it and its youth organizations to obtain peace and safety.

Mr. Sun said that he is full of gratitude to Master. He hopes that he can be more diligent in his cultivation in the coming new year and do well all the things that he needs to do. He also hopes that his friends in China can learn about the true nature of the CCP. In the face of the pandemic, he thinks that everyone should remain steadfast, remember to be kind, and remember the nine golden words: “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He feels that the pandemic is targeting those people who have done or are doing bad things—therefore everyone should maintain their conscience.