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Master Gave Me A Hint: Save Lives with Your Heart

Jan. 12, 2023 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in China

(Minghui.org) As I watched another practitioner picking up truth-clarification brochures about Falun Dafa off the street, I felt sad. I thought about the brochures I’d made and distributed. Those brochures are for saving lives; what if they were tossed in the streets too. I went through a great deal of effort to make the brochures. I purchased printing equipment and consumables, maintained the equipment, printed the pages, packaged them and distributed them to thousands of households. Thus, I felt a little down seeing the materials wasted like that.

While I was sending forth righteous thoughts, Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, showed me a scene: Just as fellow practitioners and I were about to distribute the materials, a large bird as illustrated in Hong Yin – I later realized that it was a phoenix – spread its wings and blocked the surveillance camera. I came to understand that Master was encouraging me, telling me that distributing the brochures is a way to save people, and I should do it well.

By sharing this experience with fellow practitioners, I want to encourage practitioners that there are many ways to save lives. If you can't do well with face-to-face talking to people, choose another way. The key is that one should put one's heart into saving lives; take the initiative, and do it with all your heart. Master is always guiding us.

Master Gave Back My MP3 Player

While visiting my sister on a Saturday, my nephew told me that his friend had a piece of farmland planted with peanuts and that he did not want the peanuts. Since it was already October and the peanuts would soon rot, my nephew asked me to go with him to harvest them. We made plans to go on Monday. However, my nephew soon changed his mind and wanted to go on Sunday. 

We had group Fa study on Sunday, so I hesitated. However, failing to resist the temptation of the free peanuts, I agreed to go with my nephew. I thought, “I’ll take my MP3 with me and listen to fellow practitioners sharing articles while collecting the peanuts.”

I collected peanuts for a while, then reached into my pocket for my MP3. It was missing. I searched all around me and could not find it. Others said it was probably already buried in the soil or perhaps I’d forgotten it after all. I kept on collecting the peanuts.

I looked for my MP3 player when I got home, but still could not find it. I thought, “The peanuts I collected all day long did not even pay for the MP3.” As soon as I had that thought, I rejected it: “How can I compare these precious sharing articles with money?” I sent out a thought that someone with a predestined relationship will find it, listen to it, and come to understand about Falun Dafa and be saved.

While my husband was watching the weather report after dinner, I overheard that there would be light rain through the night and following day. I worried, “What would happen to my MP3 if it got rained on? The fellow practitioners’ sharing articles in the MP3 quoted Master’s Fa. Am I disrespecting Master and the Fa?” I was overwhelmed with grief.

I spoke to Master, “Master, I was wrong. I should not have given up Fa study time in the pursuit of profit. I will correct myself. Please help me get my MP3 player back.” 

The next day, I looked everywhere to see if my MP3 was back; I couldn’t find it. I then took the peanuts outside to dry them under the sun. While I was pouring them out, my MP3 fell out. I was so excited! I wanted to shout, “My MP3 is back, Master brought it back for me! Thank you, Master!”

From this experience I came to understand that no matter what happens in the future, I must bear in mind Master’s teaching, 

“Genuinely cultivate Dafa,Only this is great. ...” (“Obtaining Fa,” Hong Yin)