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Falun Dafa Practitioners Outside of China Celebrate 30th Anniversary of Falun Dafa’s Public Introduction

May 14, 2022

(Minghui.org) Thirty years ago, on May 13, 1992, Master Li Hongzhi introduced Falun Dafa to the public, teaching the five meditative exercises and universal values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. With its tremendous health benefits and uplifting teachings, Falun Dafa spread quickly throughout China and the world.

In honor of World Falun Dafa Day, May 13, Falun Dafa practitioners send their heartfelt good wishes to the Minghui website to celebrate the anniversary of this historic day and express their profound gratitude to Master Li.

In this report, we present the greetings received from Falun Dafa practitioners in overseas countries.

One practitioner from Jiangsu Province who now lives abroad wrote, “I used to have liver cancer, but thanks to Master, I was given a new life. No words can express my gratitude towards Master. Thank you, Master! Thank you, Dafa!”

Most of the greetings are from practitioners of the global telephone-calling (RTC) platform. Due to ongoing persecution under the Chinese Communist Party, many overseas practitioners are making tremendous efforts to rescue arrested practitioners, urge the perpetrators to stop participating in the persecution, and raise awareness about the persecution among the general Chinese public, through the channels of phone calls, emails and text messages.

These practitioners thanked Master Li for teaching Dafa to the world and they vowed to be more diligent in their cultivation and work harder in bringing awareness to their fellow Chinese.

Two greetings were from the European Minghui School and the Balkan Peninsula.