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Man Faces Prosecution Again after Spending 11 Years in Prison for Practicing Falun Gong

April 11, 2020 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Yunnan Province, China

(Minghui.org) A man from Kunming City was arrested on a business trip to Jinghong City, both in Yunnan Province, in September 2019, after the local police accused him of handing out literature about Falun Gong, a meditation practice that has been persecuted in China for the past 21 years. 

Mr. Han Zhenkun is currently detained in the Jinghong City Detention Center. The police have submitted his case to the Jinghong City Procuratorate. His family has hired a lawyer to represent him.

Prior to his latest arrest, Mr. Han was imprisoned twice for a total of 11 years for not renouncing his faith. He was forced to divorce his wife, Ms. Guo Juan, also a Falun Gong practitioner, because of the persecution. 

Seven Years in Prison for Making Falun Gong Literature 

Police in Kunming City arrested Mr. Han and Ms. Guo on April 23, 2004, for producing Falun Gong literature at home. They were tried in the Kunming City Court on August 24. The judge did not allow any of their family or friends to attend the hearing. 

The couple's families and other practitioners gathered outside the courthouse to show their support, only to be harassed and videotaped. Several practitioners who showed up that day were later arrested and detained. 

During the hearing, the judge frequently interrupted Mr. Han when he defended himself and also refused to let his lawyer speak. Mr. Han was later sentenced to seven in prison and Ms. Guo to three years. 

In Yunnan First Prison, Mr. Han was forced to make goods for export, including sorting beans, assembling electronics, and ironing clothes. He worked 12 hours a day, no days off and no pay. 

Mr. Han was released on April 22, 2011. 

Home Ransacked

When Mr. Han was at his parents’ home on May 29, 2012, seven officers broke in, destroying the lock. One of them yelled, “Confiscate everything related to Falun Gong!” 

They ransacked the place and photographed the process. They took dozens of Falun Gong books and photos, a computer, and 15,000 yuan in cash without giving a receipt. After they left, the parents discovered that a 40,000-yuan certificate of deposit was missing. 

Four Years in Prison for Studying Together

When Mr. Han, his family, and several other practitioners were studying the Falun Gong teachings together on September 16, 2013, five officers broke into his home. They confiscated the Falun Gong books, 18,000 yuan in cash, a computer, and a cell phone. Mr. Han was arrested for making Falun Gong DVDs. 

The chief of Xishan District Domestic Security refused to see Mr. Han’s parents when they came to ask where their son was. 

Mr. Han was later sentenced to four years in prison. His father didn’t find out about it until a year later, in October 2014, when he went to the Xishan District Court to inquire about his son’s case. 

Parents Die after Incessant Harassment 

Mr. Han Guolong, Mr. Han’s father, was in his 80s and retired from Yunnan Telecom in Kunming. He was once arrested and detained for 27 days for “disturbing social order,” a standard pretext used to target Falun Gong practitioners and other dissidents in China. 

Mr. Han’s mother, Ms. Zhu Qinhua, was in her 70s. Before she started to practice, she had late-stage colon cancer along with other ailments. Her cancer and other ailments were gone without any medical treatment after she learned Falun Gong. 

Both of Mr. Han’s parents died in 2017 after their health declined from living in fear and enduring endless harassment from 610 Office agents and police officers for not giving up their faith. 

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