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Letting Go of the Attachment to the Wuhan Epidemic News

February 16, 2020 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) With the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus, I was watching news on the dynamic web every day. I knew that it takes a lot of time, but I couldn't control myself.

Master said,

“Over time, that addictive substance accumulates, and forms inside of your body an identical version of you that comes to control you. Because it is composed of strong attachment, and has your appearance, it has an equally strong desire to control you; it was formed out of strong desires, after all. ” (“Fa Teaching at the 2019 New York Fa Conference,” Team Yellow Translation)

For my everyday behavior of looking through news after breaking through the Internet blockage, I searched inside for the attachments that controlled me. On the surface, I was paying attention to the epidemic, thinking that it would help clarify the truth to ordinary people. But, the effect was not good sometimes.

For example, my husband was very reluctant to listen to me talk about this news item. Deep down, I had the attachment of opposing loneliness to align with the public.

Reading about the vicious crimes committed by the evil Party, I was angry; seeing people being fooled by the Party's deception, I was anxious when seeing the suffering of the people in the affected areas, and I was distressed. After reading news about the suspected virus leak from the Wuhan Virus Research Institute, I payed attention to developments every day, just like how ordinary people watched daily dramas. I was anxious because people weren't awakening? How could someone still frame the United States?

Under the banner of doing better in clarifying the truth, I satisfied my curiosity, seeking comfort, and impetuousness. Actually, revealing the CCP's epidemic news is to help ordinary people understand the truth, and get out of the mist. There is no reason for a Dafa disciple to join in for fun!

In this year's Shen Yun Performing Arts, the Creator calls in the opening show, “Come with me to save sentient beings!” I was moved to tears. Our compassionate Master has been working effortlessly to save all sentient beings, and allow Dafa disciples to have a chance to honor their vows. During the limited time left, Dafa disciples should adopt higher requirements and becoming more diligent.

At present, no one feels safe in China. The lock down of communities and villages have brought inconvenience to fellow practitioners efforts to spread the information about Dafa.

Master said,

“When one is attached to nothingThe path underfoot is naturally smooth ” (“Unimpeded,” Hong Yin Volume II, Translation Version A)

Master let each Dafa disciple work within his or her abilities, and eliminate interference to fulfill the mission of saving sentient beings.

Return the Pain to the Old Forces and Evil Entities

I generally read the articles published on the Minghui's website, and found that fellow practitioners had experienced severe persecution. They often said that it was Master who had endured the pain for them. Master had eliminated a lot of karma and suffered too much for his disciples during their personal cultivation phase.

However, this persecution was not acknowledged by Master. The old forces frantically persecuted Dafa disciples in order to achieve their goals by using countless brutal persecution methods. Shouldn't Dafa disciples return these pains to the persecutors, the dark minions, rotten ghosts behind them, and even the high-level old forces in the process of countering the persecution? Whoever commits evil will bear the consequences. Don't let Master bear the pain for us any more.