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Falun Dafa Practitioners in the United States Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

September 14, 2019 |  

(Minghui.org) Practitioners in the following places in the United States wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival:

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in New England

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Dallas, Texas

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in the Global Rescue Platform-904 -US Team

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners from Beijing who reside in the U.S.

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in North Carolina

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Potland

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner’s family from Foshan City of China who resides in the U.S.

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Far West Texas

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in the Global Rescue Platform-904 -US Team

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner’s family in Foshan City, China who resides in the U.S.

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in the Overseas SMS and MMS group

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in a Truth-Clarification Site in San Diego

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner’s family of three in the U.S.

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Saipan

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Saipan

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners in Saipan

Greetings to Master Li from practitioners from Changchun City, Master’s hometown, who reside in the U.S.

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner in the U.S.

Greetings to Master Li from a practitioner in the U.S.

The well-wishers also hail from:

A practitioner’s familyA practitioner’s family in MinnesotaPractitioners from Changchun City of China who reside in the U.S.