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Additional Persecution News from China – November 21, 2019 (16 Reports)

December 11, 2019 |  

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 16 cities or counties in 8 provinces, where at least 40 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Shanghai] Ms. Zhu Yunxiang Taken to Brainwashing Center after Prison Term Ended
2. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yang Fengying Detained
3. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Ms. Zhang Arrested
4. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Shuzhen and Mr. Zhang Guoying Detained
5. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xu Lixiu Detained
6. [Diaobingshan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Gao Xiuli Detained
7. [Chengde City, Hebei Province] Over 30 Practitioners Arrested; Ten Remain Detained
8. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Five Practitioners Arrested
9. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Four Practitioners Officially Arrested
10. [Tianjin] Ms. Wang Wenrong Detained
11. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Ma Yinfeng Arrested
12. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Li Bingying Incarcerated in Prison
13. [Changli County, Hebei Province] Mr. Li Jirong Arrested
14. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Six Practitioners Arrested
15. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Yu Xiaowei Arrested
16. [Luoyang City, Henan Province] Mr. Jiao Shaopeng and Mr. Liu Yingkuan Sentenced to Prison

1. [Shanghai] Ms. Zhu Yunxiang Taken to Brainwashing Center after Prison Term Ended

Ms. Zhu Yunxiang from the Yangpu District was arrested on March 19, 2018, and sentenced to a 17-month prison term. Instead of being released on October 12, 2019, she was taken to Yangpu Brainwashing Center by Yangpu 610 Office agents.

2. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yang Fengying Detained

Ms. Yang Fengying from the Binhai New Area was arrested by officers from Tianqiao Police Station on the afternoon of November 15, 2019. Her Falun Dafa books were confiscated.

Ms. Yang was taken to Jinzhou City Detention Center for 15 days.

Participants in the persecution of Ms. Yang:Li Gang (李刚), head, Domestic Security Division: +86-13940655557, +86-416-3571700, +86-416-2931108Liu Yao (刘尧), director, Tianqiao Police Station: +86-13604965188

3. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Ms. Zhang Arrested

Ms. Zhang from the Baiyun District was arrested in mid-November 2019, for talking to people about Falun Gong. Her home was ransacked.

4. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Shuzhen and Mr. Zhang Guoying Detained

Ms. Liu Shuzhen was arrested at home by officers from Zhengyang Police Station on the evening of November 14, 2019. She was detained for five days.

Mr. Zhang Guoying from Yumin Township was arrested by officers from Yumin Police Station on the morning of November 18. He was detained for five days.

Participants in the persecution of Ms. Liu and Mr. Zhang:Officer: +86-15500091691

5. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xu Lixiu Detained

Ms. Xu Lixiu was arrested by officers from Jiyuqiao Police Station, Wuchang District, on the morning of October 12, 2019. She was taken to Erzhigou No. 1 Detention Center.

6. [Diaobingshan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Gao Xiuli Detained

Ms. Gao Xiuli was arrested at a Tieling West Station checkpoint on the morning of November 13, 2019, before she boarded the High Speed Rail. She had a copy of Zhuan Falun in her bag.

Ms. Gao was taken to Tieling Detention Center for 15 days.

7. [Chengde City, Hebei Province] Over 30 Practitioners Arrested; Ten Remain Detained

More than 30 practitioners were arrested by officers from Chengde City Domestic Security Division and Weichang County Police Department on the afternoon of July 13, 2019, when they were studying the Falun Gong teachings together. Ten practitioners are still being detained. The rest have been released.

Mr. Wang Guangxue, Mr. Liu Zhifeng, Mr. Wang Yongxing, Mr. Chen Haidong were taken to Luanping County Detention Center. Ms. Wang Sufang, Ms. Wang Haiqin, Ms. Du Guilan, Ms. Li Yanhua, Ms. Ge Sufen, and Ms. Tang Fengxia were taken to Laoxiying Detention Center. Their cases have been filed with the Procuratorate.

8. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Five Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Yu Yongman and Ms. Liu Suyan were arrested by officers from Changzheng Police Station on November 18, 2019. They are being held in Liaoyang Detention Center.

Mr. Di Shaoqun, his wife Ms. Xiong Hui, and Mr. Liu Ying were arrested by Domestic Security officers on the morning of November 20. Their homes were ransacked.

9. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Four Practitioners Officially Arrested

Ms. Dong Wenxiu, Ms. Wang Yurong, Ms. Wang Shulan, and Ms. Wan Fang were arrested by officers from Harbin Railway Public Security Division and the local police station on September 11, 2019. They were taken to Harbin No. 2 Detention Center, and officially placed under arrest in late October.

10. [Tianjin] Ms. Wang Wenrong Detained

Ms. Wang Wenrong, 75, from the Hedong District, was arrested by officers from Ermalu Police Station, Nankai District, and Erhaoqiao Police Station, Hedong District, on the morning of November 12, 2019. Falun Dafa books and printed materials were confiscated.

Ms. Wang is being held in Nankai Detention Center.

11. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Ma Yinfeng Arrested

Ms. Ma Yinfeng from Xiluzhuang Village, Donglianhuayuan Township, Qianxi County, was arrested by officers from Qianxi Domestic Security Division on the morning of November 20, 2019. Her home was ransacked. She was taken to the Domestic Security Division.

Participants in the persecution of Ms. Ma:Jia Baozhong (贾宝忠), chief, Qianxi County Police Department: +86-13832988950Fu Guoqiang (付国强), deputy chief: +86-13832983612, +86-315-5689811Tian Runyou (田润友), head, Domestic Security Division: +86-315-8616029, +86-13832983178, +86-315-5689886Zhang Julong (张巨龙), Net Security Brigade: +86-18832989717Zhang Huailiang (张怀良), secretary, Qianxi County Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-315-5886366

12. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Li Bingying Incarcerated in Prison

Ms. Li Bingying was sentenced to a one-year prison term by Ranghu District Court. She is being held in No. 8 Ward, Harbin Women's Prison.

13. [Changli County, Hebei Province] Mr. Li Jirong Arrested

Mr. Li Jirong from Chengguan Town was arrested by officers from Chengguan Police Department on the afternoon of November 20, 2019.

Participant in the persecution of Mr. Li:Ma (马), officer, Chengguan Police Department: +86-18630302365

14. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Six Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Liu Guoxiu, Ms. Luo Zhaolan, Mr. Huang Gangjun, Ms. Shen Guofeng, Ms. Du Huizhen, and Ms. Wei Guohua from the Xindu District were arrested by officer Pu Bin and others from Chengxi Police Station on the morning of November 18, 2019.

Participants in the persecution of these practitioners:Li Liangcai (李良才), director, Chengxi Police Station: +86-28-83955110, +86-28-83950174, +86-13980713858Tan Ming (谭明), deputy director, Chengxi Police Station: +86-15882323020Chen Bo (陈波), deputy director, Chengxi Police Station: +86-13880334128Sun Hui (孙辉), chief, Xindu District Police Department: +86-13908014366

15. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Yu Xiaowei Arrested

Mr. Yu Xiaowei was arrested at home on the morning of November 19, 2019.

Participants in the persecution of Mr. Yu:Jiang Zhiguo (姜志国), director, Nanhudalu Police Station: +86-43185183239, +86-15904415655Wu Jiang (邬江), political head, Nanhudalu Police Station: +86-15904404633Liu Hongwei (刘洪伟), chief, Chaoyang District Police Department: +86-15904400373Fan Guoqiang (范国强), head, Domestic Security Division: +86-15904417369

16. [Luoyang City, Henan Province] Mr. Jiao Shaopeng and Mr. Liu Yingkuan Sentenced to Prison

Mr. Jiao Shaopeng from Yanshi City was sentenced to a four-year prison term. Mr. Liu Yingkuan was sentenced to a three-year prison term.