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Falun Dafa Practitioners Imprisoned in China Send Greetings to Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

September 23, 2018 |  

(Minghui.org) Chinese people all around the world will celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival on September 24. To honor the occasion, Falun Dafa practitioners who are imprisoned in China for their belief have sent messages to the Minghui website through family members and friends to express their gratitude to Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, and wish him a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Despite losing their freedom, these practitioners express unwavering faith in Dafa and are determined to resist the persecution through peaceful means.

A practitioner who is imprisoned in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, wrote:“Dear Master, this tribulation has made me more steadfast in cultivation. I will continue to uphold justice and remember my responsibilities as a Dafa disciple.”

Another practitioner, who is detained in Shanghai, wrote:“Dear Master, we miss you! We will conduct ourselves according to the requirements of Dafa, let go of our attachments, and walk out of these prison doors with dignity.”

A practitioner incarcerated in Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province, wrote in his greeting to Master Li:“Nothing will stop us from saving sentient beings. No matter where we are, we will not stop believing in Falun Dafa.”

Other greetings were received from practitioners imprisoned in the following places:

Guangdong ProvinceShaanxi Province Women's PrisonFanjiatai Prison in Hubei ProvinceWeinan Prison in Shaanxi ProvinceJilin PrisonTilanqiao Prison, ShanghaiNanhui Prison, ShanghaiShanghai Women's PrisonNanchong City, Sichuan ProvinceHarbin Women's Prison and Hulan Prison, Heilongjiang ProvinceJiaozuo City, Henan ProvinceDongli District, TianjinChangchun City, Jilin ProvinceShenyang City, Liaoning ProvinceTongliao City, Inner MongoliaNinghe District, TianjinXuhui, Minhang, Zhangjiang and Fengxian Detention Center, ShanghaiYunnan ProvinceHuai'an City, Jiangsu Province