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Some Thoughts on Minimizing Contact with Spies

November 22, 2016 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’ve noticed that some Dafa practitioners are keeping in constant contact with special agents of the Chinese communist regime. These spies are either former practitioners who have gone astray under the weight of the persecution or non-practitioners who pretend to be friendly with practitioners.

These practitioners believe that their righteous fields will influence the spies and change them for the better. While I commend their compassion, I worry that constant contact with them will do more harm than good.

Some spies may appear to be steadfast in front of practitioners, but they may cave in as soon as they face police or other supervisors, whose use them to gather information about practitioners.

As I see it, the more contact our practitioners have with the spies, the more information the evil may gather about us, and the easier it is to launch more attacks on us.

In the meantime, we are unwittingly enabling the spies to commit more sins against Falun Dafa practitioners, leaving them with little or no chance to be saved.

Some practitioners are unaware that their communication with the outside world on social media has been blocked. They think that they are clarifying the truth to the public, when in fact everything they post can only be seen by spies and may be used against them in the persecution.

For the safety and security of our practitioners and truth-clarification projects, I think that we should minimize such contact.