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Catching up with the Fa-Rectification After Release from Labor Camp

August 25, 2015 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) I was sentenced to forced labor a few years ago and released in 2011. When I returned home, many things had changed. My husband no longer supported my practicing Falun Dafa and now blames this cultivation practice for the persecution. He forbade me to practice Dafa or contact other practitioners.

On top of that, I did not feel well and found a solid lump in my breast, the size of a small egg. I was depressed, but fellow practitioners encouraged me to break through the tribulation.

Tumor Disappears

My family asked me to go for an exam at a hospital. I was conflicted and unsure if I could overcome the sickness karma, as I had not studied the Fa for a long time. Therefore, when I walked past a hospital, I decided to go see a doctor.

I was told that it could be ductal carcinoma – a common type of non-invasive breast cancer. I was advised to have surgery immediately.

A practitioner suggested that I regard this as an illusion. If I succeeded in breaking through this barrier, it could turn out to be a good thing after all. I was asked to have faith in Master and the Fa.

My family wanted me to have surgery, but I asked my husband to give me some time to do the exercises and practice cultivation.

When several practitioners learned of my situation, they came to study the Fa with me, but my husband turned them away. I was encouraged to attend group reading sessions. However, the torture in the labor camp was still fresh on my mind; I was afraid that I was being monitored by police, and worried that I would cause trouble for other practitioners.

At first, I only dared to attend small group readings occasionally. My husband tried to stop me and said hurtful things that made me leave the house in tears.

Then, I realized that emotions are transient, and that only cultivation is everlasting and priceless. Given this incident, I got rid of my emotional attachments toward my husband. I also understood that the evil created obstacles in my cultivation and wanted to drag me down.

I read a lot of Master's teachings and my righteous thoughts became stronger. I had more confidence in overcoming my sickness karma. Of course, I also wavered from time to time.

For example, I woke up in the middle of the night and unconsciously touched my armpit. I felt a big lump and recalled the doctor's words. For a moment, I thought the cancer cells had spread and broke out in a cold sweat. But I immediately remembered that I am Master's disciple, and that no one can harm me.

I also sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the interference. I consoled myself that this slight physical discomfort is nothing compared to practitioners who are tortured for their belief. I then sent righteous thoughts to help other practitioners and forgot about my problems. Later, I decided not to think about my symptoms and let nature take its course. I had Master's protection, so what should I be afraid of?

After more than a year, I discovered that the lump in my breast became smaller. It had completely disappeared by 2014.

Through this, my family witnessed Falun Dafa's extraordinary power. My husband often told his co-workers, relatives and friends my story.

Setting Up a Material Production Site

Before my arrest, my home was a Dafa materials production site. I had computers, printers and everything needed to produce Dafa materials. After I was arrested, practitioners moved everything to a safe place.

When I returned home from labor camp, it was really inconvenient without a printer. I had to get Minghui Weekly from other practitioners. How I wished I had a printer!

Coincidentally, a practitioner said that she had one of my printers, which had not been used for a long time. I took it home and turned it on. The print head was not working. I asked Master for help and after cleaning the print head, and it worked again.

In the beginning, my husband was very unhappy when he saw the printer. I explained to him that Dafa disciples have the responsibility to tell others about the persecution. Every time I brought home another printer, he would get upset, but I patiently reasoned with him and cleared away the evil forces that controlled him.

Then, he got upset when I wanted to install a satellite dish to watch New Tang Dynasty (NTD) broadcasts, a television station founded by Chinese Americans and headquartered in New York City. He refused, so I asked a practitioner to install the dish when he was not at home. Upon his return, he wanted to smash the receiver with a hammer. I stopped him and sent righteous thoughts at the same time. Now, he often watches the NTD programs, too. I can tell that he has deep respect for Dafa disciples.

Distributing Dafa Materials

I mainly go to small high-rise districts to hand out Dafa materials. I always sent righteous thoughts before setting out. Some of the elevators in these apartment buildings require a security card. Therefore, I have to climb to the top floor and work my way from the top to the bottom level. During the summer, my clothes are soaked in sweat, but I do not feel tired at all.

There are surveillance cameras in some elevators and I have to be careful to avoid arrest. Instead of taking the elevator to the top level, I get out a few floors earlier and climb to the top floor.

When there are many units on the same level, to avoid drawing attention to me, I distributed materials to every other door each time.

The appearance of Dafa materials is very important. I make sure the materials are printed out properly, and I put them into self adhesive bags.

When I leave Dafa materials on cars, I put them into the grooves of the car windshield. I mostly include software to break through Internet censorship and DVDs of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

Using Cell Phones

A practitioner showed me how to use a smart phone to send multimedia messages in 2011. Sometimes I stay out until past 9 p.m. to send messages to spread the word about the persecution. It was very cold in winter, but when I saw so many messages transmitted successfully, I was very happy and forgot about the cold.

I received many responses from the messages I dispatched. Some of them were rude comments, while there were others that thanked me for the information.

A practitioner left with me a couple of phones she bought, but had no time to use. After a few days, I thought it was a waste of resources and installed phone cards in them so that they could be put to good use. I go out at night or when there is a public holiday, and bring a knapsack with many pockets on my back. I put about a dozen cell phones in separate pockets and make phone calls as I walk.

In the past, I used to depend on practitioners to give me phone numbers. They removed invalid phone numbers before they gave me the list. Now, I have learned how to connect the phone to the computer and filter out redundant numbers, thus reducing the burden on these practitioners.

Shen Yun DVD: “This is what I like to watch”

I don't hand out materials to people face-to-face very often due to time constraints. However, I truly feel the joy in people when they understood the facts about Falun Gong.

When I gave a Shen Yun DVD to a woman in her 50s, she shook my hand excitedly and kept thanking me. A man who received a Shen Yun DVD said, “This is what I like to watch!” I gave him another DVD to pass on to his friends and relatives.

I like to give young people software to bypass China's Internet firewall. About half of them gladly accepted it. Sometimes they will not accept the software, but change their mind after I talk to them.

Although I am trying to catch up, I am deeply aware that I still lag far behind other diligent practitioners. I have a strong attachment to seeking comfort and many other attachments. I need to be strict with myself and do everything required of me, so that I will not let Master down.