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Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Education System Respectfully Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival (20 Greetings)

September 09, 2014 |  

(Minghui.org) For the occasion of the 2014 Mid-Autumn Festival (also known as the Moon Festival), Falun Dafa practitioners both inside and outside China have sent greetings to the founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li Hongzhi. Along with the written greetings are scores of homemade greeting cards, poems, and photographs expressing gratitude and wishes to Master Li for a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

In this report, we present a selection of the 20 greetings sent from Falun Dafa practitioners studying and working in the education system, including faculty, students, and staff.

Practitioners from Inner Mongolia wrote, “We are determined to do the three things well [studying Falun Dafa books and cultivation, Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts, and telling people the facts of Falun Gong]. We will make the best use of our time and skills.”

Practitioners from Chongqing Education System said they were the happiest of people because they had been cultivating by following the universal principles, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. “After going through various difficulty during the past 15 years, we will work hard to eliminate human notions, and be serious with our cultivation. By studying the Fa principles well and cooperating with each other, we will be able to let more people know the facts about Falun Dafa, leading them to a better future.”

These greetings were received from:Jilin UniversityCollege students in Changchun City, Jilin ProvinceTeachers in Daqing City, Heilongjiang ProvinceEducation system in Shandong ProvinceQitaihe Middle School in Heilongjiang ProvinceHigher education institutions in Guangzhou City, Guangdong ProvinceEducation system in Inner MongoliaHandan City Education System in Hebei ProvinceShuangyashan City Education System in Heilongjiang ProvinceA group exercise site at the Science and Technology Building in Jilin UniversityA group exercise site at the Foreign Language Building in Jilin UniversityYantai City Education System in Shandong ProvinceHigher education institutions in BeijingChongqingSouthwest University in ChongqingMudanjiang City in Heilongjiang ProvinceHigher education institutions in Hainan Province